by Steve Brizel (adapted from last year's, due to continuing computer problems)
Mothers and Childbirth
R. Shmuel Goldin explores whether giving birth is a simcha or a sin: linkR. Issac Bernstein z"l and R. Shlomo Riskin explains why a mother offers a Korban Olah and a Korban Chataas, but not a Korban Todah: link 1, link 2R. Asher Brander delves into the question why Tummas Leidah is doubled from seven days to 14 following the birth of a daughter: link
Bris Milah
R. Jonathan Sacks explains why Bris Milah is the sign of the covenant: link
Insights into Tumah and Taharah
R. Ezra Bick provides an overview of Tumaah and Taharah: linkR. Aharon Lichtenstein explains how the Halachos of Tumaah and Taharah differ from the magical and scientific approaches to purity and impurity: linkR. Michael Rosensweig illustrates how the Halachos of Tzaraas are rehabilitative in nature: linkR. Yonasan Sacks explores the relationship between the Halachos of a Metzorah and an Avel: linkR. Dovid Horwitz, based upon the teachings of R Chaim Shmuelevitz, ZTL explores the connection between a poor man, a leper, a blind person and a childless person as stated in Nedarim 64b: linkR. Yitzchak Etshalom explores the sequencing of the Halachos in both Parshiyos and their relationship to contemporary Jewish issues revolving around Jewish statehood: linkR. Berel Wein suggests that Tumaah and Taharah are concepts that have much significance to contemporary society and mores: linkR. Yissocher Frand, based upon the Tefilah of Rav mentioned in Brachos 16b-17a, as explained by R Nisson Alpert, z"l, explains why the efficacy of our Tefilos is dependent on clean speech: linkR. Baruch Simon explores the hashkafic implications of why a spread of Tzoraas is Tahor: link (audio)
Halachic and Hashkafic Aspects of Lashon Hara
R. Dovid Gottlieb discusses Halachic and Hashkafic aspects of Lashon Hara: link (audio)
Roundups from 2 years ago: