by Steve Brizel
The Study of Torah and Tumah and Taharah
R. Aharon Lichtenstein emphasizes that we must study all portions of the Torah with an equal interest and desire, especially those sections that seem ugly such as Tumah and Taharah: linkTzaraas BatimR. Shlomo Riskin reminds us that as a nation, we must avoid the conduct that leads to Tzaraas Batim: link Tumah and TaharahR. Ezra Bick discusses the Tumah and Taharah of the Metzorah: link 1 and link 2Dr. Yair Haas suggests that Ibn Ezra and Abarbanel, based upon a reading of R. Jonah Ibn Janach, disagreee over who is the subject of the cure in Leviticus 14:1-3: linkClick here to read moreTzaraas and Lashon Hara
R. Jonathan Sacks reviews numerous instances in Jewish history where Lashon Hara was spread in a detrimental manner about Gedolei Yisrael and the damage that ensued therein: linkR. Yissachar Frand shows the importance of avoiding speech that could be viewed as Lashon Hara: linkR. Berel Wein demonstrates the multiple negative effects of Lashon Hara: link
Taharas HaMishpachah
R. Ephraim Buchwald (may he and his family have a Mazel Tov on the upcoming chasumah of their son!) explains the imporance of Taharas HaMishpacha in a Torah observant family: link
Shoalim v Dorshim Lifnei HaChag Department
Preparing for Pesach
The Shem MiShmuel (as prepared by R. E. Kwass) emphasizes the importance of preparing for each of the Shalosh Regalim as part of one's encounter with God: link
R. Michael Rosensweig discusses Biur Chametz on Erev Shabbos: link (audio)R. Mordechai Willig reviews the requirements of Mechiras Chametz: link (audio)R. Baruch Simon investigates the prohibition of eating Chametz on Erev Pesach: link (audio)R. Hershel Schachter and R. Zvi Sobolofsky discuss the mitzvos of the night of Pesach and insights into the Haggadah link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)