Thursday, April 29, 2010

Audio Roundup XCI

by Joel Rich


Do you believe that every person (feel free to differentiate between sub-categories) is born with the same potential to provide HKB"H with nachas ruach (satisfaction) [i.e. we are all born with the same probability distribution function of satisfying HKB"H]?

Explain your answer in light of the bracha shelo asani isha and the gemara ein mazal lyisrael (we are not bound by astrological predispositions)

  • Rabbi Baruch Simon-Minhagei Tefillah: link

    Tfilla btzibbur (10 physically there or 10 davening)? What if the minyan has different nusach than you? Mechitza as an individual vs.. shul requirement.

    Women's issues-"Best is to have the traditional situation", "a lot is coming from without…even though many are sincere". Minhagim are what keeps us going, need guidance/mesorah. [me – in an age of individual empowerment one might conclude that it would be more effective to have peer like education/convincing rather than top down guidance].

    R’Bick held "full chazarat hashatz" is only required in minyan kavua – R’Simon "insists" on heicha kedusha at chatan tish, unless need to stall (me - interesting that he prefers R’Bick’s "psak" which sounds permissive at best vs.. R’YBS for us on Tfilat hatzibbur – especially at time of greatest Thanksgiving to HKB"H).

    Other topics – Women’s prayer, talit head covering, when to stand. Interesting comment on "missing Yerushalmi’s" which we hold like anyway

  • Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation: link

    This may sound like I confused my paid job with my unpaid one, but I assure you I didn’t. Interesting insights into when do traditional carrot/stick motivators work (routine projects) and when not (non-routine). There is an intrinsic motivation in being in service to something larger than ourselves.

    To maximize success need to give foot soldiers autonomy, mastery and purpose. (me - possible tie to the contentions that "the system" isn’t producing gedolim or that kedoshim tihiyu is subservient to micro-halacha?).

  • Rabbi Yonah Gross -When an Eruv Falls on Shabbos: link

    One of my favorite questions (of course, unanswered) when does a cause for doubt (reyuta) rise to the level of calling into question the prior status (chazakah).

    If you know the eruv is down on Shabbat, do you tell? Sounds like you (or your posek) need a sociological MRI of your community to decide.

    What to do if you are caught with your eruv is down.

  • Rabbi Aaron Soloveichik -Machlokes and the Prohibition of Lo Tisgodedu: link

    Discussion of "machloket" – Korach vs.. lshem Shamayim (e.g. in learning). Defense of R’YBS and his approach vs.. his "ultra" detractors.

  • Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky -Mussar and Perspective from the Intrepid: link

    Two lessons from the Intrepid – 1) picking up astronauts – a 2 second computer glitch put the space capsule 200 miles away from the ship – the value of every second! 2) War in the Pacific – can only see in retrospect the plan of HKB"H (U.S. involvement in WWII).

  • Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz-What Happens to the Notes in the Kotel?: link

    No real source for putting notes into the kotel (me – other than minhag Yisrael). Can written prayer have kedusha (holiness)? Other examples of writing having possible halachic impact (e.g. counting the Omer) – but perhaps could differentiate. Some interesting Segula comments (R’Aryeh we’re on the same page – but can you take this away from folks without providing something else for them to hold on to??)

  • Rabbi Michael Taubes -Legacy of Our Sages: Introduction to Pirkei Avot: link

    Introduction to Pirkei Avot – explanation of name and intent and some initial mishnayot.

  • Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky -Mitzvah Kesivas Sefer Torah: link

    Discussion of mitzvah of writing a sefer torah with main focus on whether women have a requirement.

    Reasons which the converted don’t need and unconverted won’t believe anyway (at least until "was blind but now can see").

  • Rabbi Jeffrey Saks -The 'Key' to Yom HaAtzmaut: link

    Discussion of his take on Yom Haatzmaut as well as how to relate to it. R’Kook and R’Soloveitchik on Jewish destiny.

  • Rav Binyamin Tabory-She'elot uTeshuvot - Tzitz Eliezer Part 2: link

    His response on visiting mosques (davening in maarat hamachpela) and churches. Is there an issue with davening in an open space (i.e. the kotel) - no!. Blood and platelet donations (and how technology may have changed the facts today).

  • Rav Moshe Taragin-Talmud Torah - Torah is Immortal: link

    Torah study is immortal (continues in world to come) unlike other mitzvot.

  • Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky - Zaicher LeMikdash: link

    Detailed analysis of brachot and practices by zecher l’mikdash K’hillel.

  • Rabbi Michael Taubes -Parshas Tazria Metzora Medical Confidentiality: link

    While the Cohain is required to teach/consult other cohanim when examining negaim (blemishes), the more general rule is not to revel personal information. Covers Sh"ut literature on shidduchim and medical information sharing (conflict between confidentiality and serving greater good).

  • Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky -Hashkafa Schmooze - Making Aliyah: link

    "Beauty" of eretz yisrael and being part of our own (vs.. foreign) society. Considerations in making the decision – just do it (but have a plan to complete this "mitzvah rabbah").

  • Rabbi Michael Rosensweig-Bikurim. Yom Ha'atzmaut 5770: link

    Technical discussion based on R’YBS differentiation between kedushat hamakom (holiness in place of mikdash) and mitzvot tluyot baaretz. Nice mussar on the physical and spiritual pull of the land.

  • Rabbi Hanan Balk -The Religious Value of Independence and Creativity in the Formulation of the Spiritual Personality: link

    Need for individual creativity as part of our religious destiny. Each of us has to find the derech that speaks to us. Heavily based on the thought of R’YBS.

  • Rabbi David Berger - Yerushalayim shel Mata and Yerushalayim shel Ma'ala: link

    Jerusalem in the history of Judaism, Christianity and Islam followed by a more detailed discussion of the earthly and heavenly Jerusalem in Jewish thought.

  • Rabbi Rafi Feurstein - Approaches to the Secular Sector in Israel - Negation, Dialog or Partnership?: link

    R’Kook on defining believers and non-believers in his generation (not what you might think). How should we relate to other Jews in our homeland?

  • Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg - Hilchos Peyos: link

    Detailed analysis of sources differing opinions on shaving/cutting prohibitions.

  • Rav Asher Weiss- Shiur Parashat Achrey Kedoshim: link

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