Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nomination for Free Trip to Israel

Nefesh B'Nefesh is sponsoring The Second Annual Jewish Bloggers Convention (link). This year they are allowing bloggers to nominate another blogger for a free trip to Israel to attend the convention. NBN will choose who wins. The winner will also have to blog about a family that makes aliyah on a NBN flight.

I would like to nominate two bloggers:

  1. Ezzie, because he was kind enough to meet me and some other bloggers for dinner last year before we went off to Israel, although I doubt he can go because he has a job and family
  2. Chana because she is in grad school and can play hooky for a few days, and she's an interesting writer who will probably do a great job blogging a family's aliyah story (and she also showed up at the end of the dinner last year)
(I am assuming that I can't nominate my co-bloggers, otherwise I would nominate Steve Brizel and Joel Rich.)

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