by Steve Brizel
The Kohanim and the Menorah
R. Isaac Bernstein zt"l, based on the Ohr HaChaim, investigates how Aharon was properly rewarded by given the responsibility to light the Menorah: linkR. Berel Wein suggests that the message of the Kohanim lighting the Menorah is we should strive to improve ourselves before we even think of rebuking someone else: linkR. Yissocher Frand reminds us that even actions that may seem presently inconsequential may have a very important effect on future events: linkR. Zev Reichman reminds us that even a mitzvah performed without inspiration is still worth performing: linkClick here to read morePesach Sheni
R. Dovid Gottlieb looks at the unique nature of Pesach Sheni: link
The Trumpet and the Ram's Horn
R. Shlomo Riskin, based upon the understanding of Rav Soloveitchik zt"l, argues that the trumpet and the ram's horn, which represent the covenants of fate and destiny, will eventually be merged as we meet our Divinely imposed destiny as a people: link
The Divine Cloud and the Heavenly Fire
R. Ephraim Buchwald underscores the importance of living in a strong Jewish community as enabling one to grow in his or her Avodas HaShem and to raise a Jewishly committed family: link
The Inversion of Jewish History and Destiny
Rav Soloveitchik zt"l, as transcribed by R. Yitzchak Etshalom, sets forth how the inverted letter “Nun” represents the long and often tragic march of Jewish history: link (PDF).R. Zev Leff suggests that the inverted nuns teach us that one must strive to be consistent in one's approach to Torah and Mitzvos: link
Moshe's Despair
R. Jonathan Sacks investigates the sources of Knesset Yisrael's discontent and Moshe Rabbeinu's reaction: link
A Crisis of Leadership
R Moshe Lichtenstein delineates how the events in the second half of the Parsha were a prelude to the Episode of the Spies: link
Moshe and the Elders
R. Michael Rosensweig views Moshe's consultation with the elders as proving that rabbinic leadership consists of both halachic and national decision making: link
Moshe's Level of Prophecy
R. Chain Volozhiner (as prepared by R. Eliezer Kwass) and as understood by R. Mordechai Willig, delineates how Moshe Rabbeinu's level of prophecy differed from all other prophets: link 1, link 2