Thursday, March 13, 2008

Parashah Roundup: Vayikra 5768

by Steve Brizel

The Ongoing Role of Moshe Rabbeinu

  • R. Yissachar Frand stresses that when God speaks to Moshe, part of the purpose in doing so is to remind Moshe of his unique and never-ending role: link

  • Moshe Rabbeinu as a Model for Torah Leadership
  • R. Herschel Schachter and R. Berel Wein point out that Moshe Rabbeinu's humility should serve as a role model for anyone striving to grow in Torah and to serve as a Torah leader: link 1, link 2

  • Click here to read moreAnavah, Korbanos, and Tefilah
  • R. Zev Leff explores how Korbanos and Tefilah work from the common denominator of man's submission before God: link

  • Korbanos during the Day and Limud HaTorah at Night
  • The Meshech Chachmah (as prepared by R. Eliezer Kwass) explains why korbanos were only brought during the day and why Moshe Rabbeinu learned Torah at night: link

  • The Fragrance of a Sacrifice
  • R. Chaim Yakov Goldvicht z"l discusses why korbanos are an example of Chesed: link
  • R. Ephraim Buchwald points to the halachos of a Ben Yonah as one of many instances where Halacha compels man to act in a sensitive manner: link

  • The Purpose of Sacrifices
  • R. Michael Rosensweig discusses Rambam's rationale for korbanos: link (audio)

  • R. Jonathan Sacks, based upon the Baal HaTanya, explores why man was commanded to bring sacrifices from the animal world: link
  • R. Avigdor Nevenzal emphasizes that sacrifices have value only as long as we realize that sacrifices enable us to become closer to God: link
  • R Yaakov Haber (formerly of RIETS) explores numerous halachos relating to korbanos and shows that one primary purpose of korbanos is the elevation of the physical world for spiritual purposes link
  • R. Asher Brander discusses the spiritual, physical, exclusive and universal aspects of the Olah and Shelamim: link
  • R. Baruch Simon, in his weekly Chumash Shiur, demonstrates based upon the Akedah, a famous Rambam in Hilchos Gerushin , the understanding of the Malbim and many other sources that Ratzon and Chafetz represent what is thought out as opposed to that which is a purely emotionally based action and that Ratzon represents the highest approach both to korbanos and all of Torah observance: link (audio)

  • The Korban Mincha and the Issur Chametz
  • R. Shlomoh Wolbe zt"l, based upon the Baal HaTurim, explains that the prohibition against Chametz in the preparation of the Korban Mincha is based upon the identical reason and rationale as the Issur Chametz on Erev Pesach: link (DOC)

  • Communal Leadership and Democracy
  • R. Shlomo Riskin, based upon the Par He'elem Davar Shel Tzibbur, discusses whether Halacha is compatible with democracy: link

  • Parshas Zachor
  • R. Daniel Z. Feldman explores various halachos that require the use of one's memory: link (audio)
  • R. Yaacov Haber (Torahlab) warns us against becoming too tolerant to trends within the Torah world and adverse news in Israel that we become accustomed to these developments and it cools our enthusiasm for Torah: link
  • R. Yaakov Medan discusses the origins and ethical reasons behind the mitzvah of eradicating the influence of Amalek. link

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