Thursday, February 10, 2005

Ban Conspiracy Theory

Chakira is back up with a grand conspiracy theory about the Slifkin ban (here):

Gil, according to the version of the theory I have heard in numerous conversations this week, is supposed to have shown the offending books or passages to Haredi figures like Rabbi Weintraub, in hopes of producing a highly profitable ban.
Simple answer: no. However, Chakira omits a damning piece of evidence that could have been used to support this theory. I was (very minorly) involved in the researching of Mysterious Creatures and am mentioned in the acknowledgments on page 11.

However, Chakira's less humorous point is exactly correct.
What is notably absent from the dozen or so posts on Slifkin is any condemnation of the Rabbis who banned the books with these acceptable ideas.
I did not use this as an opportunity to attack Haredim and have been very careful to treat all of the rabbis involved with respect. That is not something about which I am ashamed. If that is labeled bland, so be it. I am sure that my rabbeim would be proud of that "blandness."

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