Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Mark Your Calendars

As mentioned in this post (link), we are organizing a Hirhurim get-together/dinner on the occasion of the 100th Audio Round-Up. All readers, commenters and friends of the blog are invited to this free event.

When: July 7, 7-9pm
Where: The Jewish Center, 131 W. 86 St., New York, NY 10024 www.jewishcenter.org

You must RSVP so we have a headcount and can make appropriate accommodations. Please do so here: link. Leave questions in the comments to this post or e-mail me.

Expect light food (sandwiches), a few speeches (R. Steven Weil R. Kenneth Brander will be giving a brief devar Torah) and some interactive programming including a trivia contest and a survey about likes, dislikes and future directions.

Joel Rich, Steve Brizel and I will be in attendance, as will some other interesting people from the Jewish community. We will be giving away Hirhurim trinkets (including coffee mugs) for free.

I will be paying for the evening but I am asking for help subsidizing the event by those who can. As encouragement for large donations, I am publishing a special Torah journal for the occasion with articles from prominent rabbis. The journal will have a section on Judaism and communications technology. I have commitments from many interesting rabbis and I have already received articles from R. Norman Lamm, R. Jonathan Sacks, R. Shlomo Aviner, R. Michael Broyde, R. Yitzchok Adlerstein, R. Yaakov Klass and R. Yair Hoffman. Even if you will not be able to attend, you can still donate and receive the journal via mail. Order the journal on the RSVP page: link.

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