by Steve Brizel
The Building of the Mishkan
R Aharon Lichtenstein explains how the building of the Mishkan after the sin of the golden calf mended a damaged relationship: linkR Hershel Schachter, based on an explanation of the Brisker Rav ZL, explains the differences between a Mitzvah Ldoros and a Horaas Shaah: linkR Yitzchak Etshalom analyzes the role of Betzalel in the building of the Mishkan: linkR Berel Wein compares the building of the Mishkan and Bayis Rishon and explores how and why the generation of the desert were able to build the Mishkan: link 1, link 2The Nesivos Shalom, as explicated by R Yitzchak Adlerstein, R Shlomoh Riskin, R Ari Kahn and R Ephraim Buchwald discuss the juxtaposition of the Mishkan and why Issurei Melacha are derived from the Mishkan and why Jews sanctify time, as opposed to space. Shabbos: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4
Click here to read moreR Yissocher Frand, based upon the comments of the Maharsha in Ksubos, reminds us that when a person contemplates giving money for a worthwhile cause, he or she should check that the money is rightfully and explores the basis of saying Yasher Kochacha theirs: link 1, link 2R Sir Lord Jonathan Sacks ,based in part on a comment of Rashi, and Lhavdil, an observation of the Dalai Lama, explains why Jews have remained faithful to the terms of theirexistence despite their dispersion: linkR Avigdor Nevenzal explains why the building of the Mishkan required donations from the heart and ( together with R Yonasan Sacks )why lighting a fire is singled out from all of the other Melachos of Shabbos: link 1, link 2, link 3 (audio)R Asher Brander explains why HaShem and Moshe disagreed with respect to the donation of the mirrors for the laver/basin and its base: linkR Aryeh Lebowitz discusses the relationship between the Beis HaMikdash and Beis Hachneses: link (audio)R Yaakov Neuberger explains based on the Ramban why Sefer Shmos, that culminates in the building of the Mishkan, is the Sefer HaGeulah: link (audio)R David Horwitz, based upon the views of the Alshich and Nechama Leibowitz, Zicronah Livracha, explains why the subject of Parshas Pekudei is the community of the people of Israel: linkR Baruch Simon suggests a connection between Parshiyos Vayakhel Pekudei and Parshas HaChodesh: link (audio)
Parshas HaChodesh
R Michael Rosensweig discusses the connection between Parshas HaChodesh and Pesach: linkR Beinish Ginsburg discusses the view of the Ramban with respect to Kiddush HaChodesh and Cherus: link (audio)
Shoalim vDorshim Department
Rav Soloveitchik ZL discusses numerous halachic and hashkafic aspects of Pesach: link (audio)R Asher Weiss discusses different halachic issues related to Leil Seder: link (audio)
Bedikas Chametz and Meciras Chametz
R Zvi Sobolofsky and R Elyakim Koenigsberg discuss Bedikas Chametz and the Bracha recited: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)
R Mordechai Willig and R Baruch Simon discuss Meciras Chametz: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)
Matzah-Avdus, Cherus and Emunah
R Hershel Schachter explains why Matzah is the food of Emunah ,why Matzah is symbolic of both slavery and freedom and various aspects of the Haggadah: link 1, link 2, link 3 (audio)
Demonstrating and Internalizing Freedom
R Menachem Genack discusses the Halacha of Haseba: link (audio)Dr. Michelle J. Levine traces the path from darkness to light and from slavery to redemption: link (audio)R Mordechai Willig reminds us why Pesach is the Yom Tov of faith: linkR Mayer Twersky reminds us that Emunah and Mesorah are the twin foci of Pesach: linkR Yaakov Haber discusses why Pesach is the source of Kabalas Ol Malchus Shamayim: link
Hallel in Shul on Leil Seder
R Joshua Flug discusses the halachic issues involved in the recitation of Hallel in the synagogue on Leil Seder: link (PDF)
Karpas and Magid
R Zvi Sobolofsky analyzes the amount of Karpas one must eat and explains why the Arbaah Banim provides lessons in Chinuch and the uniqueness of Hallel at the Seder: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio), link 3 (audio)R Yonasan Sacks discusses Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim: link (PDF)R Avishai David discussed the Ten Plagues: link (audio)
Pesach Matzah and Maror
R Zvi Sobolofsky suggests that the message of the Korban Pesach is the sanctity of the home: link (audio)
Matzah-Avdus, Cherus and Emunah
R Hershel Schachter explains why Matzah is the food of Emunah ,why Matzah is symbolic of both slavery and freedom and various aspects of the Haggadah: link 1, link 2, link 3 (audio)R Michael Rosensweig explains why Matzah is an expression of Hodaah: linkR Nisson Kaplan ( in Hebrew) discusses what can be used for Maror on Pesach: link (audio)R Joshua Flug discusses the elements of Korech: link (audio)R Beinish Ginsburg discusses the Piyutim after the Seder: link (audio)