Etz Chaim in February
Exciting lectures at Etz Chaim this month.
147-19 73rd Ave.
Flushing, NY
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Wednesdays February 10, 17, 24 7:30pm
Halakha and Psychology
1. Perspectives on Mental Health Issues in the Orthodox Jewish Community Today
2. New Trends in the Search for Spirituality: Helpful or Harmful to the Halachic Jew?
3. The Posek, the Pious, and the Parent: What Psychology Can Teach Them
Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman
Wednesdays February 10, 17, 24 8:30pm
Medical Ethics
1. When Man Creates Man: The Beginning of Life
2. End of Life Issues
3. Entering Dangerous Situations for the Sake of a Mitzvah
Rabbi Moshe Taragin
Shabbat Yitro: February 5-6
Leil Shabbat: 8:00pm Shiur for all, followed by tish for Gush alumni
at Rabinovich home: 144-33 72nd Drive
Shabbat Morning Drasha: Approx. 10:30am
At Seuda Shlishit: Divine Geula and Secular Zionism
Dr. Michelle Levine
Wednesday February 3rd 7:45pm
Shiur Ha-Chodesh for Women
Rabbi Dr. Moshe Sokol
Tuesdays February 9, 16, 23 8:30pm
Judaism’s Encounter with Modernity
1. How Independent-Minded Should an Orthodox Jew Be?
2. Should an Orthodox Jew Be Tolerant of Those He Believes Are Religiously Wrong?
3. Was Rav Soloveitchik a Modern Orthodox Jew?
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag
Shabbat Mishpatim: February 12-13
Leil Shabbat, after congregational dinner:
From the Ten Commandments to Parshat Mishpatim – A Step in the ‘White’ Direction
Shabbat day: approx. 10:45am
Why Sefer Devarim ‘Belongs’ in Parshat Mishpatim (and how that explains the daily “kriyat shema”)
At Seuda shlishit – Why the Mishkan gets so much ‘press’ in Sefer Shmot [The ‘plus side’ of talking in shul]
(Announce your simchah or Torah lectures by clicking on the button in the top right corner of Hirhurim. See here for readership statistics and here for instructions on buying an announcement. Please note that announcements now cost $36 each.)
Monday, February 08, 2010
Announcements #138: Etz Chaim in February