by Joel Rich
Question 1: Must a male rabbi stand for his Tanach teacher who is of the female persuasion? What if the persuasions were reversed?
Question 2: If a minyan davens erev shabbat so that they begin kabbalat shabbat at shkia, should the avel wait until after lcha dodi to come into shul and be greeted with hamakon yinachem? (If yes, why isn't this public mourning on shabbat?)
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So Avigayil Shalva asked her Avi Abba if Hashem was angry at Avraham for leaving Eretz Yisrael due to the famine. He answered we’d have to look at what all the Rabbis said but that he thought most said no because Hashem made the famine so that Avraham had no choice but to go. This shiur is based on the Ramban who says Yes (it was a sin for him to leave). Discussion of permissibility of undertaking risks and classical sources on yishuv eretz yisrael [me – interesting how we preen about Judaism being about obligations, not rights; yet often see little focus on individuals’ obligations to the tzibbur].
What’s MO's problem? Sex! (haredim too – just different time of life)
An analysis of the Talmudic “shavua haben” and whether it applies to shalom zachor or something else. If it’s done to give thanks, perhaps we can understand Ritz Gayut mentioning shavua habat! A review of the reasons given by various authorities for having one. (me – Siman vs. Siba/prescriptive vs. descriptive – how’s a girl to know?)
Being a frum Ehrlicher doctor (hmmm – isn’t frum supposed to include ehrlich?). General rule of the workplace: You gotta know when to hold them, when to fold them, when to walk away, and when to run. Everything you do is noticed so pick your spots.
Your hishtadlut can’t bring you to do things against the torah (me – of course not, but it’s the grey areas that require ongoing dynamic balance).
An MD needs a posek available 24/7.
Residency (paging Dr. Sultan) – he suggests shomer Shabbat so can lead normal Jewish life.
Shtick to get by seems very common – don’t do it (me – puk chazi??).
Interesting dichotomy between US and Israel’s poskim concerning doctors being “on” on Shabbat.
Summary of theories underlying dina d’malchuta – (sandwiched between other shiur material) and the implications as to the scope of the power. Debate (sources not really that clear) as to whether it’s torah or rabbinic in nature (so tell me again why no one is quoted on this prior to the amora shmuel?).
Continuation of a series; here focusing on those who require extra sensitivity in our interactions with them. Topics include converts, women and children. Interesting question – at what age at orphaning does an “orphan” stop getting special treatment?
Second in the series – Rambam on reward & punishment and “the ultimate reward”.
Rashi is very text significance/close reader oriented – i.e. there must be a reason why HKB”H decided to record something. Ramban is into omni significance (e.g. maaseh avot siman lbanim).
What we call Rashi Yashan is probably someone later named Rabbi Yitzchak (same initials Rashi Yashan).
Suicide is painless? Discussion of source material plus issues concerning mindset (can an individual be buried in the normal place) and the halachic status if committed in order to avoid torture or to voluntarily glorify HKB”H.
Genetic Q&A. Some of the questions were hard to hear. I’ll list topics but not answers because 1) the seriousness of the issues and 2) Kdarko bkodesh he often quotes others (e.g. R’Moshe) but doesn’t mention whether he agrees.
Contraception & abortion in case of negative genetic testing. Contraceptive methods, artificial insemination, when we don’t listen to the patient, adoption/yichud issues and how much NICU to use if a baby has severe problems. Interesting discussion of when an individual can say they’ve had enough pain and when must/should you tell a shidduch about medical history.
A frum history of Kabbalah stretching from its origins (at Sinai) and it’s eventual codification and dissemination – (caution – not for academics!).
Who did Avraham avinu give maaser to?
Tosfot – certain mitzvot were given at Sinai but were given with the promise that they would change later.
Lots of detail on milah including nature of mitzvah of “lhachniso”.
Interesting GRA comparing mila to karban and thus explaining shalom zachor (see Zohan) and father standing next to boy (no Karban without baal there).
Do you need to have meat at the seudah for the brit? Shiur cuts off before we find out!
Introduction to a series. There’s a paucity of halachic tradition on how to run a state – (e.g. not much besides Rambam). Can we use tanach with commentaries to teach us political science? Can halacha deal with the practical issues of running a state?
Review of primary sources on Limud torah and/or making a living. How to resolve seeming conflict in sources? 1) only a small minority belong in full time learning, rest should be primary earning; 2) point is to reinforce primary (Torah) vs. secondary (earning) priorities; 3) only once “fail” at torah do you go to earning; 4) anyone has the ability to be one of the few in full time learning; you gotta want it enough; 5) depends on time [guess which one is from the 20th century].
Sticking a knife in the ground doesn’t kasher a knife (rats!), it’s only for cleaning for cold uses and even there not on a regular basis (first in a series on halachic misconceptions) – [me – I hope the next will be on “nich on shabbas geret” as a matir].
Summary of source of mitzvah issue, times of prayer, women’s requirement, chazarat hashatz (and standing), separation or mechitza for non-shul prayer.
Especially in school years it forms the basis of a lifetime relationship with HKB”H. R’YBS on learning TSB”P (oral law) turns us into a cheftza shel torah (artifact of torah?).
It can enhance your torah learning and make us better servants to HKB”H. You can also better understand people, fulfill the divine commandment of subduing the world and make a buck at the same time!
2nd in series. Reviews some “historical” shuls’ (e.g. Gamla, Alexandria & Turkey) physical layout and what we know about them from layout and written sources. His theory – perhaps originally a Shabbat gathering place for some purposes but no communal prayer till post churban. (me – “proof” is not overwhelming)
Sh”ut series. Here focusing on R’Unterman. Hallmarks included coach d’heteira adif, deference accorded past practice and desire not to encourage splintering of tzibbur.
Taryag Mitzvot are only learned from Sinai (not before) but the “Ratzon Hatorah” can come from pre-matan torah (e.g. Zrizin makdimim, tzaar baalei chaim, contours of kavod av v’eim). It’s not always clear!
Nice discussion of chalot vs. maaseh mitzvah.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Audio Roundup LXVII