Thursday, September 17, 2009

Audio Roundup LIX

by Joel Rich

I'd like to extend my wishes for a ktiva Vchatima tova to all and ask mechilla if in any way if I offended anyone in these posts (or in any other manner). I'd especially like to ask mechilla from all those whose shiurim I've reviewed if I didn't capture their essence or show proper respect.

Question: If one has offended another and asks mechilla 3 times and is rejected and his halachic authority tells him to stop asking, what is his status vis-a -vis the "sin" he had committed (i.e. is he forgiven or just can't ask anymore but still has a blemish?)

Click here for moreLastly, my answer to Richard Joel's reflections letter - Ask yourself (or better yet survey) what are the various publics' perceptions of YU? Is it viewed as an institution that fulfills "lo taguru" (fear no man) or is it one that defers to money or who you know? ( i don't know the answer) On this issue I defer to those wiser than me - as avi mori vrabbi ZLL"HH taught me: "Do not say things. What you are stands over you
and thunders so I cannot hear what you say
to the contrary."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein - Checking Tefillin in Elul - Law or Folklore?: link

    Shulchan Aruch says there’s no need to check tfillin (if they have a chezkat kashrut [presumption of Kosher] ). Mishneh Brura says if there’s a reason to suspect, then check. Elul practice of “anshei maaseh” (men of {good} acts) to check??
    So why check if there is a chezkat kashrut? Perhaps based on Mishkenot Yaakov’s famous “miyut hamatzui” concept (common, (e.g. 10%) occurrence) – unclear where Mishneh Brura knew it was a 10% probability of defect.
    Perhaps reason for concern is based on Meshech Chochma – if there is a defect in the tfilin and you wear them, you’re not Yotzeh. Thus, it’s a “good idea”. [me – so if you follow halacha re chezkat kashrut, you can still have a problem – does this follow for treifot that we don’t check for as well?]

  • Rabbi Noach Orlowek - Life in Turbulent Times: link

    Current financial crisis is a nisayon (test). Our generation is weaker but we can excel at chesed.
    Money Quotes – R’Simcha Wasserman – “In our times the Ribbono shel olam made a miracle; what’s the miracle? The girls only want to marry people who can’t earn a living”.
    R’Orlawek “People are sending their kids to schools where maybe with a calculator they’ll be able to add when they finish 8th grade. Why? Because the ruchniyot is better” [IIUC he thinks this is a positive].
    Money is important, the problem when it stands for something else.
    HKB”H made Rebbi and Rav Ashi wealthy and brilliant because everyone had to respect them so they could seal the mishna and Talmud(?).
    Worth the rest – don’t measure success on something outside yourself (me – be careful though, I know some people who are harder on themselves because they don’t achieve every iota they are capable of).

  • Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein - Ramban on Devarim (hakdama): link

    Ramban on the torah as an irreplaceable commentary. Unlike Rashi and Ibn Ezra, his approach was to go wide and deep (no, not a fly pattern). This is compared to his commentary on shas which is continuing an existing stream.

  • Rav Mayer Lichtenstein - The Transmission of the Oral Law in the Thought of Rambam and Rabbeinu Tam: link

    Fascinating “inside baseball” look at two views of halachic history. Rambam took the “sealing” of the Talmud very seriously, tied to the disappearance of Bet Din Hagadol, there was a radical change in the nature of the mesora (passing on tradition). Rabbeinu Tam saw Geonic literature re as a continuation of the Talmud in terms of authority.
    Interesting (to me due to my lack of insight) thoughts on how Shulchan Aruch really aligned with “we’re not capable” school by not going back to explicating gemara for psak but by taking vote (Rambam, RIF, Rosh). Maharil took him to task on this.
    R’M Lichtenstein explains his father’s conceptual approach – explain all shitot but don’t focus on psak based on above. [me – don’t we lose touch with original basis by so many years of “don’t touch that dial?”]

  • Rabbi Meir Goldwicht - Tekah BeShofar Gadol LeChairutainu: link

    Classic R’Goldvicht – 3 seemingly unrelated questions tied together to one answer (Pilei Plaim – wonder of wonders). Here focused on Torah heard by the heart!

  • Rabbi Michael Taubes - Parshas SHoftim Non Mourning Kaddish: link

    R’YBS – chatzi (short) kaddish precedes prayer to create tzibbur (communal unit), Kaddish Shalem (whole) concludes the prayer. No interruptions allowed!
    Discussion of Rabbi’s Kaddish after aggadita or after any learning and/or after psukim.

  • Rav Mayer Lichtenstein - Shmita 2008 - Kashrut and Ideology: link

    Do we want an agricultural sector? How is the holiness of the land of Israel best maintained? What is the responsibility of the individual to society (e.g. if one is machmir for themselves and it causes society as a whole to suffer). Focus on kedusha from a positive viewpoint. Very thought provoking (somehow the expression Chosid in Peltz comes to mind).

  • Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb - Simcha on Rosh Hashana: link

    Simcha on Rosh Hashana – Is there a requirement, what is its nature as seen through allowability of tasting, prayer text, hallel and the Rambam’s famous statement on no “simcha yeteira” (extra joy). Nice close with tie in of R’YBS of simcha being lifhei hasheim (in front of HKB”H) and Rosh Hashana is a time of closeness (in front of) HKB”H of a different kind.

  • Rabbi Y Rimon - Hilchot Sukkot 1: link

    Halacha and Hashkafa concerning tiyulim (trips) on chol hamoed sukkot (keep the very big picture in mind).

  • Rav Mordechai Willig - Teshuva: Repairing Our Relationships with Others and with Hashem: link

    Act with tzedaka and chesed in our relationships with each other and HKB”H will repair our relationship with him.

  • Rav Hershel Schachter - Segulas and Superstition: link

    Halacha must be based on reality and must check out what reality is. My summary – no “superstition” except those mentioned in the Talmud (which are grounded in creation/reality). Minhag shtus is forbidden and must ask a Rav.
    Reminds me of R’Klapper’s comments concerning picking a general worldview and then go forward, to an extent ignoring the contradictory cases.

  • Rabbi B Lehman - Inyanei Tshuva 2: link

    Bechira Chofshit (freewill), personal responsibility, and R’Kook. Why the Rambam had to include mention of Bechira in hilchot tshuva.

  • Rabbi Y Rimon - Hilchot Sukkot 2: link

    Eating and drinking outside the sukkah. Why some are machmir not to do so at all.

  • Rav Mayer Lichtenstein - Meshuach Milchama: link

    Be a machaneh kadosh (“holy camp”) and then HKB”H will want to help. Discussion of war exemptions as well.

  • Rav Mayer Lichtenstein - tfillin: link

    Why talking between putting on tfillin is enough of a sin to get a draft deferment!

  • Rav Moshe Taragin - Tefilot of Yamim Noraim: link

    Section of Malchiyot (kingship) in Rosh Hashana davening analyzed.

  • Rav Yair Kahn - Ahavat Hashem Mei-Ahava: link

    Why is Ahavat Hashem (love of HKB”H) revisited in hilchot tshuva (laws of repentance) after being in sefer ahavah. Perhaps because reporting from far is a local issue (don’t want punishment) but from bvl is from a gbbal feeling of alienation and loss of connection. This would explain why in repentance from love, sins turn into brownie points since they were an integral part of process which brought man back to HKB”H.

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