Sunday, August 02, 2009

Lambda/Urim/Yashar Summer Clearance Book Sale

Lambda/Urim/Yashar Summer Clearance Book Sale


New and Classic Jewish Books DISCOUNTED 30% – 50% Direct from the Wholesaler!

I (Gil) will be there on Monday, August 3rd from 6-7pm for book signing and shmoozing.

Visit our new warehouse and choose from a wide selection of fine Jewish books and Seforim, including:

A full line of new books from:
Urim Publications ~ Yashar Books

  • Peirushim and Commentary sets on the Torah, translated into English by ELIYAHU MUNK, including: Kedushat Levi, Mikraot Gedolot HaChut HaMeshulash, Tzror HaMor, Or Hachayim, Alshich, Tur, Shney Luchot Habrit, Bachya, Akeidat Yitzchak
  • Nechama Leibowitz on the Parsha (7 vols)
  • Steinsalz Talmud (Large/Small/Vilna) (42/26/33 vols)
  • Torat Chayim (7 vols) ~ Rambam Le’Am (20 vols)
  • And classic children’s books in Hebrew and gift books from Israel.
Only August 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2009 (11:00 am – 7:00 pm)
Sale at Lambda Publishers new warehouse
527 Empire Blvd., Brooklyn, NY Tel: 718-972-5449 Fax: 718-972-6307


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