Monday, July 27, 2009

Announcements #108: Live, Online Tisha B'Av Shiurim at WebYeshiva

Live, Online Tisha B'Av Shiurim at WebYeshiva

Our sages have taught us that one who grieves over the destruction of Jerusalem will merit to see its rebuilding. Join Rabbi Chaim Brovender, Rosh Yeshiva of WebYeshiva, and Rabbi Yitzchak Blau online on TIsha B'Av, Thursday, July 30th, for three sessions of live, fully interactive, online Kinot and special shiurim in memory of former WebYeshiva faculty member and beloved teacher, Rabbi Jay Miller. (To register for the classes, click here).

Click here for the schedule and list of classes9:15 AM Israel time
7:15 AM London time
4:15 PM Melbourne time

Explanatory Kinot Service with Rabbi Brovender

Rabbi Brovender will explain the themes of the various Kinot, with a close examination of the text and ideas. What was the historical background of the Kinot? Who are the authors of the Kinot? What themes in the Kinot resonate in modern times?

12:00 PM Israel time
10:00 AM London time
7:00 PM Melbourne time

Aggadot HaChurban with Rabbi Blau

Rabbi Blau will take a deeper look at the Aggadot HaChurban (stories dealing with the destruction of the Temple) including Bar Kamza, R. Zecharya and the Biryonim.

Chatzot in Jerusalem is at approximately 12:45 PM

10:30 AM New York time
7:30 AM LA time
5:30 PM Israel time
3:30 PM London time

Second Explanatory Kinot Service with Rabbi Brovender

Rabbi Brovender will explain the themes of the various Kinot, with a close examination of the text and ideas. What was the historical background of the Kinot? Who are the authors of the Kinot? What themes in the Kinot resonate in modern times?

All texts and materials will be provided online by WebYeshiva.

Both sessions are free and are open to WebYeshiva students and to the public.

To register, click here or check out our website.

(Announce your simchah or Torah lectures by clicking on the button in the top right corner of Hirhurim. See here for readership statistics and here for instructions on buying an announcement.)

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