Job Posting - Outreach Work
2-year Fellowship in Educational Outreach available in Allentown, Pennsylvania for 2009.
This fellowship is suitable for a Rabbi contemplating a career as pulpit Rabbi, outreach educator, Hillel director or campus Rabbi. There is opportunity to receive training from the local synagogue Rabbi in pedagogy, community outreach and local university campus education. This is not an official synagogue position, but the possibility exists for working with the Rabbi in a quasi-assistantship mode.
The Orthodox synagogue in Allentown, Congregation Sons of Israel, is a warm, hospitable, Modern Orthodox, Religious Zionist shul with membership from a diverse range of Judaic backgrounds. Daily Shacharit and Mincha/Maariv minyanim, with 110-150 people attending on Shabbat morning and 220 member families overall. The shul offers successful, diverse educational programming including a strong Daf Yomi, social programming, and NCSY and Bnei Akiva youth activities. There is, however, considerable desire for additional classes and especially one-on-one studying in the synagogue and the community at large.
Click here to read moreAllentown is a beautiful city in Eastern Pennsylvania, in proximity to New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia but with affordable housing. Its 8,000-member Jewish community is cohesive and has a school (PK-8th grade), an Eruv, new mikvah (built in 2006), two supermarket bakeries under local supervision (LVKC) and fresh meat at several supermarkets.
Suitable candidates for this position will possess strong people skills, a solid educational background and the self-starting dynamism to make a significant contribution to the Jewish life of this city. They will maintain an open and hospitable home, building relationships with Jews of all stripes. Both husband and wife will be expected to be involved in learning with people, toward a cumulative total of 30 hours of study (private or in classes) per week; the husband will be expected to put in the bulk of those hours. We hope that this grassroots project will build momentum by adding a second couple, with time - thereby building on the success of our first couple and our community's enthusiasm for learning and outreach.
The compensation package is $60,000 per year, as well as a contribution toward health insurance and an entertaining allowance. Interested candidates should submit their resume and the name of two references to Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner.
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Monday, February 02, 2009
Announcements #074: Job Posting - Outreach Work