by Steve Brizel
Yosef's Reunion With His Brothers
R. Michael Rosensweig explores the ambivalent and complex nature of the reunion of Yosef and his brothers: linkR. Dovid Horwitz, R. Baruch Simon and R. Jonathan Sacks discuss how Yehudah's entreaty to Yosef is evidence of his having done teshuvah and not being paralyzed by one's past: link 1, link 2 (audio), link 3R. Yitchak Adlerstein, based upon the Nesivos Shalom and other Chasidic and Kabbalistic sources, shows that Yehudah's plea before Yosef is filled with allusions as to proper prayer: linkR. Yissocher Frand and R Baruch Simon connect Yosef's emotional reaction with the source of the Churban Bayis Sheni and the importance of Ahavas Yisrael: link 1, link 2 (audio)Click here to read moreR. Berel Wein suggests that we should use the reunion of Yosef and his brothers as a template for uniting Klal Yisrael: linkR. Yitzchak Etshalom probes why Yosef reacted in an emotional manner and what Yosef intended in his charade with the brothers: linkR. Avraham Gordimer explains how Yosef's gifts to his brothers enabled them to do teshuvah: linkR. Beinish Ginsberg, based upon a famous comment of the Beis HaLevi, exhorts us not to allow ourselves to be placed in the same place as Yehudah when Yosef asks him “Haod Avi Chai”: link (audio)R. Avigdor Nevenzal shows why Yosef's behavior is a prime example of how one should not bear a grudge: link
The Seventy Souls
R. Yaakov Medan investigates who were the seventy persons who entered Egypt: link
The Reunion of Yaakov and Yosef
R. Aharon Lichtenstein explains why Yaakov recited the Shma: linkR. Shlomo Riskin suggests why Yaakov had to travel to Egypt for the reunion with Yosef: link
The Begiinning of Exile
R. Zvi Sobolofsky reminds us that a Jew in exile must always see himself as a temporary resident (link) and explains why Yaakov sent Yehudah ahead to prepare the way.
Survival in Exile
R. Ephraim Buchwald exhorts us to remember that Jewish education is the key element to Jewish survival in exile: link
The Intergenerational Nature of the Mitzvah of Talmud Torah
R. Aharon Lichstenstein reminds us that the mitzvah of Talmud Torah is strengthened when a father learns with his children: link
Honoring Grandparents
R. Asher Weiss and R. Dovid Gottlieb explores the extent of the application of Kibud Av Vem to grandparents: link 1, link 2 (audio)
Last year's roundup: link