Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Parashah Roundup: Noach 5769

by Steve Brizel

Noach-A Tzadik in his Generation or for all Generations?

  • R. Aharon Lichtenstein, based upon a comment in Rashi in Numbers 6:2, evaluates Noach's life before and after the flood:
  • R. Dovid Gottlieb explores the complicated character and personality of Noach: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)
  • R. Yissocher Frand asks why the Torah tells us that Noach was described specifically as Ish, Tzadik, and Tamim; suggests based upon the understanding of R Yaakov Kamenetsky zt"l that there is no conflict between Rashi's famous comment about Noach and reminds us that we should not legitimatize the illegitmate: link
  • Click here to read more
  • R. Yitzchok Adlerstein, based upon the Nesivos Shalom, suggests that Noach's approach was illustrative of the rule that while every generation has its own unique method of serving God, Noach's approach was anchored in Fear of God: link
  • R. Zev Leff posits that Noach's achievements were limited because he did not focus on the teaching of midos, and thus concentrate on both the disease and its symptoms: link

  • The Flood and the Aftermath
  • R. Avraham Gordimer explains Rashi invokes both Gezel as the cause of the flood and why a three tefach depth of the surface of the earth was melted and tossed about during the flood: link
  • R. Yitzchak Etshalom discusses why God chose the flood as the means of punishment: link; the two versions of the Flood and its implications vis a vis issues of Parshanut especially the “conflict” between Torah and science: link; and the new creation of the world: link (PDF)

  • After the Deluge
  • R. Michael Rosensweig analzes the changes on man's moral state as a result of the flood: link
  • R. Yitzchak Blau evalautes Aggadic passages concerning calmnities such as the Flood
    and the Churban HaBayis and contrasts the views of R. Meir Simcha and Camus: link
  • R. Yonatan Grossman evaluates the differences between the First and Second Worlds: link
  • R. Baruch Simon explores various means of reducing the influences of the Yetzer Harah: link (audio)

  • The Seven Noachide Laws
  • R. Ephraim Buchwald discusses why the Seven Noachide Laws are the minimal acceptable standards for human behavior: link

  • The Generation of the Flood and the Generation of the Tower of Bavel
  • R. Ezra Bick, based upon the comments of Netziv and Rav Soloveitchik, explains the differences between the generations of the Flood and the Tower of Bavel: link
  • R. Berel Wein reminds us that unity in the cause of evil, as in the case of the builders of the Tower of Bavel, in their overreaction to the Generation of the Flood, established a society based on conformity that led to a societal disaster: link 1, link 2
  • R. Asher Brander reminds us that a narcissistic, unified society that cares only about itself at the expense of His Name, remains an issue of contemporary importance: link

  • Noach and Avraham
  • R. Dessler zt"l as prepared by R. Eliezer Kwass, R. Michael Rosensweig, R. Jonathan Sacks, and R. Shlomo Riskin compare and contrast the spirirtual legacies and attitudes of Noach and Avraham: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4
  • R. Yaakov Medan and R. Yitzchak Etshalom explore the early life and actions of Avraham: link 1, link 2 (PDF)

  • Terach and Avraham
  • R. David Horwitz suggests that the relationship between Terach and Avraham has a special meaning for Baalei Teshuvah and their families of origin: link

  • Gezelah Pachos MeShava Prutah Bmamon
  • R. Asher Weiss explores this halacha: link

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