by Steve Brizel
Torah, Song and Poetry
The Malbim, as prepared by R. Eliezer Kwass, provides an overview and breakdown of each of the elements of Moshe's song: linkR. Ezra Bick, R. Baruch Simon and R. Yitzchak Etshalom explore the many messages in Shiras Haazinu: link 1, link 2 (audio), link 3 (PDF)R. Jonathan Sacks, based upon the Sifre, shows why Shiras Haazinu is indicative of God's faith in the universe and mankind: linkR. Yissocher Frand, quoting R Herzog zt"l, explains why the Torah is a Shirah: linkR. Berel Wein reminds us that one of the key elements in the transmission of Torah is the ability to listen and understand what is right and wrong: linkClick here to read moreR. Herschel Shachter urges us to remember that God is unique, that and that the unique nature of the relationship between Klal Yisrael and God is that of a husband and wife: linkR. Zvi Sobolofsky discusses the unique nature of Birchos HaTorah: link (audio)
Rav Soloveitchik zt"l investigates the sugya of Mitzvah HaBaah B'Aveirah, Hilchos Lulav in the Rambam, Naanuim, Hoshannah Rabbah, and Lulav Kol Shivah, Brachos on a Minhag, Shemini Atzeres as well as other Inynanim in Sukkah 42-47 (in Yiddish): linkR. Shlomo Wolbe zt"l explains the unique nature of the Simchas Yom Tov on Sukkos: link (DOC)R. Baruch Simon explains why Sukkos is Zman Simchaseinu: link (audio) why the fulfillment of the Mitzvah of Sukkah represents Dveikus BaShem: link (audio) and Yeridas Geshamim and Mitzvas Sukkah: link (audio)R. Michael Rosensweig and R. Zev Leff discuss the connection between Yom HaKippurim and Sukkos: link1 , link 2R. Ephraim Buchwald underscores the importance of the observance of Sukkos in giving us a true sense of security: linkR. Aharon Lichtenstein urges us, especially Bnei Yeshivah, to incorporate the message and purpose of Hakhel into their learning of Torah: link and discusses the purely halachic and highly questionnable hashkafic and chinuch considerations of trips on Chol HaMoed that render dwelling in a sukkah difficult, if not impossible: linkR. Herschel Shachter reviews the halachos of Mitzvos Sukkah and Arbah Minim: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)R. Daniel Stein and R. Josh Flug discuss what to look for when one purchases an Esrog and the significance, or lack thereof, of a broken pitam: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)R. Shlomo Riskin investigates the nature of a Machlokes HaTanaim as to the intent one must have in fulfilling Mitzvas Sukkah: linkR. Asher Brander shows us how Sukkos serves as a bridge from the Yamim Noraim to the rest of the year: linkR. Yitzchak Etshalom explores the 28 seasons of Koheles, together with charts for the aid of the reader: link 1 (PDF), link 2 (PDF), link 3 (PDF)