Tuesday, August 05, 2008

NBN JBloggerCon

Just a reminder about the (Nefesh B'Nefesh) Jewish Blogger Convention that will be taking place in Jerusalem on the evening of Wednesday, August 20th (link). Even if you can't attend in person, you can participate online because the entire convention will be broadcast online with a chatroom for participants.

But you have to register in advance: link

Note that you do not have to author a blog in order to participate. Commenters are welcome. For that matter, you don't have to read blogs either. But random walk-ins aren't allowed. You have to register to join the convention.

In related news, part of the deal with Nefesh B'Nefesh is that I will be blogging about a specific family's aliyah. It turns out that they are pairing me with the (soon-to-be-former) rabbi of my cousin's shul. I don't think this is official yet so I'll refrain from mentioning his name right now.

Also, posts from various blogs about this convention will be gathered together on the Nefesh B'Nefesh blog: www.nbnblog.com

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