The complete letter by R. Yaakov Horowitz about whether hotels on Pesach are the biggest threat to Judaism (discussed in this post) is now on his website: link
UPDATE: I should add that I've never been to a hotel for Pesach, have no desire to go to one, and can't imagine what the experience is like. While it is expensive, people often pay that much money for a good vacation. As a working man who saves all of his vacation days for Yom Tov and Chol Ha-Mo'ed, and doesn't get holidays, summers or mid-winter vacation off like many educators and rabbis, I can understand why people might want to spend the only vacations they have during the year (Pesach and Sukkos) away from home. I have always gone to family for some if not most of Yom Tov.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The Greatest Threat to Judaism?