Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Parashah Roundup: Bo 5768

by Steve Brizel

The Last Three Plagues

  • R. Ezra Bick discusses the differences between the last three Plagues and the Plagues in Parshas Vaera: link

  • R. Yaakov Haber, based on Rabbeinu Bchayei, discussess the two fold purpose of the Plagues- creating an awareness of God among Pharoah and a means of teaching Klal Yisrael the existence, omnipotence, and omniscience of God through a process that would culminate at Mt Sinai with Matan Torah and Kabalas HaTorah: link

  • R. Jonathan Sacks explains the uniqueness of the Plague of Darkness and why it immediately precedes the Plague of the Killing of the First Born: link

  • R. Shmuel Wagner explores why Moshe was so insistent on the Exodus as being a multi- generational event: link

  • R. Ephraim Buchwald explains the importance of all genberations being impressed by the Exodus as reinforcing the idea that parents must use their Shabbos table as an educational experience for their families: link

  • With Great Wealth

  • R. Zev Leff views the Jewish People being viewed in a favorable eye by the Egyptian nation in the context of Jewish history as well as the role of the universal and the particular in the mission of the Jewish People: link
  • R. Asher Brander emphasizes what is true wealth-growth in Torah, not in material possessions: link
  • R. Ephraim Buchwald presents numerous views within Chazal and Mfarshim on why the Jewish People, despite their seeking financial reparations from their oppressors, refused throughout their history to simply view this as "to the victors belong the spoils": link

  • The Jewish Calendar

  • R. Yaakov Medan explores why we use the Exodus as the basis of our calendar: link
  • R. Michael Rosensweig utilizes the partnership between Moshe and Aharon in Kiddush HaChodesh as illustrative of how they combined their different personalties on behalf of the Jewish People: link
  • R. Herschel Schachter demonstrates why Nisan, the month of miracles, shows why Jewish history defies the conventional rules of history: link
  • R. Aharon Lichtenstein reminds us that the ability to determine one's own set of fixed times is a sign of freedom: link (DOC)

  • Korban Pesach

  • R. Yitzchak Etshalom discussess three unique aspects of Korban Pesach: link
  • R. Yehudah Zoldan explores Karban Pesach as it evolves from Egypt through the desert and upon entering the Land of Israel: link

  • Matzos and Mitzvos

  • R. Shlomo Wolbe zt"l and Yibadleinu Lchaim Tovim. R Avigdor Nevenzal shows us how precision and enthusiasm are critical elements in Shmiras HaMitzvos: link (DOC)

  • Remenbering and Discussing the Exodus

  • R. Shlomo Riskin emphasizes the importance of remembering and recounting the Exodus as a means of recalling other historical events: link

  • Torah and Tefillin

  • The Ben Ish Chai (as prepared by R. Eliezer Kwass) explains how the Mitzvah of Tefilin reminds us of the Torah that we have learned: link
  • R. Yissachar Frand discusses what Parshiyos were in the Tefilin worn by Jewish males during the 40 years from the Exodus until they entered Eretz Yisrael: link

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