by Steve Brizel
Miracles and The Natural Order
R. Dr. David Berger examines a well known and possibly misunderstood comment of the Ramban at the end of Parashas Bo (Shemos 13: 15 s.v. Min Hanisim): link (PDF)The Exodus and Jewish UnityR. Mordecai Kornfeld examines how the Exodus serves as a model for Jewish unity: linkBitachon and HishtadlusR. Avigdor Nevenzal contrasts the approaches of R Yisrael Salanter and the Chazon Ish: linkAz YashirR. Yissachar Frand shows us that complaining and a general attitude of bitterness were two negative traits that should be avoided as much as possible in Avodas HaShem: linkR. Zev Leff reveals the difference between the Torah and secular definitions of freedom: linkR. Yaakov Horowitz, based upon the Shem MiShmuel, suggests that the turn back towards Egypt, was designed to allow Am Yisrael to make its own choice to enter the Red Sea: linkR. Shlomo Riskin examines the comparison between a successful shidduch and splitting the Red Sea: linkR. Michael Rosensweig discusses when reliance upon Tefilah is either insufficient or improperly stressed at the expense of other aspects of Avodas HaShem: linkR. David Horwitz examines who is the subject of the Shirah in light of the well known differences between religious monotheism and ontological monotheism: linkR. Jonathan Sacks shows how the various views in the Talmud as to how the Shirah was recited are relevant to our roles as teachers, parents and students: linkR. Efraim Buchwald explains why the generation of the Exodus was the first to offer praise to God: linkR. Shlomo Wolbe zt"l explores the relationship between the Shirah and the building of the Beis HaMikdash: link (DOC)The Kedushas Levi (as prepared by R. Eliezer Kwass) reminds us that Am Yisrael wanted to keep the memory of the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea as fresh as possible in their minds: linkThe Mitvos Given at MarahR. Yitzchak Etshalom demonstrates the connection between the direction taken out of Egypt, the crossing of the Red Sea and the Giving of the Torah: link (PDF)R. Yaakov Medan offers a survey of the 40 years in the desert and explores why Shabbos and Kibbud Av VaEm were the mitzvos given at Marah: linkR. Aharon Lichtenstein examines why the mitzvah of Parah Adumah was given linkTefillah, Shirah and AmalekR. Asher Brander explains why Tefillah was an inappropriate response before the Jewish People entered the Red Sea and why Tefilah was and remains a key element in combatting Amalek: linkShiras HaYam and Shiras DevorahProfessor Moshe Zipor compares the structure and language of Shiras HaYam and Shiras Devorah: link