I caved. After insisting for years that I prefer the written word, I finally bought an I-Pod with which to listen to lectures, primarily during my long commute. However, do not fear. I have not abandoned the written word altogether and since my inaugural I-Pod session this past Monday, I have read during 2 1/2 commutes and listened during 2 1/2.
For those curious/nosey, currently loaded on my I-Pod are lectures by R. Hershel Schachter and R. Mayer Twersky (both via TorahWeb), R. Dovid Gottlieb and R. Yoel Bin-Nun (both via YUTorah), and R. Yitzchak Blau (via Ki Mitzion Teitze Torah).
Regarding the last of these sources, KMTT, there is a new season beginning and here is the lineup:
Mondays: Rav Moshe Taragin - Tefillah (I heard him say shi'ur for a month during a YU summer kollel and this guy is a phenomenal learner. He REALLY knows his stuff.)
Tuesdays: Rav Chanoch Waxman - Parashat HaShavua
Wednesdays: Rav Binyamin Tabory - The Jewish Family in Halakhah (I don't know what this means but it sounds interesting.)
Thursdays: Rav Shlomo Rosen - Mishlei
Fridays: Rav Jonathan Snowbell - Erev Shabbat Program
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Joining the Twenty-First Century