Monday, September 10, 2007

Selichot Sichot

From the OU:

To enhance the High Holiday experience, OU Radio will launch Selichot Sichot daily programming, which will feature five to fifteen minutes presentations on the selichot prayers by rabbis on the staff of the Kashrut Division of the Orthodox Union. The series will run from Wednesday, September 5 to Friday, September 21.

Selichot Sichot is a program of OU Kosher and may be found on the OU radio website,

"For many people, the selichot prayers are an extra obligation which causes them to lose sleep but does not enhance their Yamim Noraim experience. The purpose of the program is to help people find meaning and connect to the selichot they will be saying in the synagogue," declared Rabbi Yonatan Kaganoff, OU Rabbinic Coordinator and creator of the series.

"This is an opportunity for the public to hear some of the outstanding talmidei chachamim who are responsible for the Kashrut of OU products, exploring themes and meanings of selichot," added Dr. Simcha Katz, Commission Chairman of OU Kosher.

Rabbi Eliyahu Ferrel, Rabbi Leonard Steinberg and Rabbi Yosef Goldberg are scheduled to present before Rosh Hashanah.

For more information visit or contact Rabbi Kaganoff at

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