In honor of his eightieth birthday, students of Louis Feldman, Distinguished Professor of Ancient Goyishe Zachen at Yeshiva University, held a toga party to celebrate his many years of instructing Yeshiva students in the civilizations that banned circumcision and Torah study, defiled the holy sanctuary, destroyed the Temple and exiled the Jews.Pictured here is Menachem Butler, who planned the surprise party and solicited contributions for a tribute book filled with letters of affection, respect, and appreciation for the Roman tyrants of ancient times.
Rabbi Saul Berman, director of non-heretical education at Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, recalls Dr. Feldman's teaching style, with "its intellectual rigor, its constant hovering on the edge of humor, its openness to the whole of the human experience."
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
YU Celebrates Ancient Oppressive Cultures