Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Renowned Jewish Historian Joins YU

Yeshiva University has recently hired for a full-time position one of the great heroes of Modern Orthodoxy, R. Dr. David Berger (link). Because of Dr. Berger's strongly voiced objections to Lubavitch Messianism, there is an e-mail chain going around protesting his hiring and recommending complaining to certain highly placed officials within YU. The e-mail concludes:

You can help make a difference. Voice your concerns to the university administration by emailing:
President Richard Joel - [e-mail address]
Morton Lowengrub, PhD - [e-mail address]
The truth is, I don't think anyone can force this decision to be undone. Nevertheless, those of us who support Dr. Berger and applaud this decision might want to contact those administrators above and let our views be heard as well.

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