Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Legacy of Rav Aharon Kotler

Dr. Lawrence Kaplan pointed out to me that a new biography of R. Aharon Kotler, The Legacy of Maran Rav Aharon Kotler by R. Yitzchak Dershowitz, contains the famous picture of Irving Bunim, R. Aharon Kotler and R. Joseph B. Soloveitchik at the first Chinuch Atzmai dinner. However, R. Soloveitchik has been cropped out of the photograph! Dr. Kaplan pointed out that the picture in the R. Kotler book can be compared with the picture in A Fire in His Soul about Iriving Bunim, which contains R. Soloveitchik. Note that R. Kotler specifically invited R. Soloveitchik to speak at that event.

Dr. Kaplan spoke with the author of the book and he said that he cropped pictures depending on context, and R. Soloveitchik did not fit into this context. OK.

Whether he wanted this or not, this is indeed the legacy of R. Aharon Kotler.

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