It seems that one of the anonymous bloggers is facing the threat of having his identity revealed. It appears to me that one is patently forbidden to reveal such a secret.
The Gemara (Sanhedrin 31a) relates the story of a student who told, twenty five years after the fact, a secret from the beis midrash. Rav Ami kicked him out of the beis midrash and announced that he is one who reveals secrets. As Rashi explains, revealing a secret falls under the category of lashon ha-ra. (Or, as some ammend Rashi, one who reveals a secret is considered a spreader of lashon ha-ra.)
Based on this Gemara, the Semag (prohibition 9), cited also by the Hagahos Maimoniyos (Hilkhos Dei'os 7:7), rules that if someone tells you explicitly that something is a secret, even if he told it to you in front of a large group, you are prohibited from revealing it.
Rabbenu Yonah writes in Sha'arei Teshuvah (3:225): "One is obligated to conceal a secret told him by his fellow even if there is no issue of talemongering in revealing the secret."
Bottom line: "הולך רכיל, מגלה-סוד - A gossip goes about telling secrets" (Proverbs 11:13)
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Secret Identity