Monday, June 06, 2005

Yashar Books on Google Print

Yesterday, I went to the BookExpo America in the Javits Center. One of the booths I visited was for Google Print. This is a new Google feature that allows user to search through books and read excerpts. I had submitted two of my books--The Right and the Good: Halakhah and Human Relations and Israel Salanter: Religious-Ethical Thinker--but when I tested them out I could not get any text. I posed this to someone manning the booth who immediately went to a workstation and tested out the books. It works. Never doubt Google. I looked foolish, but at least I got a Google pen.

Here are two sample searches of those two books, so you can see how cool this is:

Random quote from The Right and the Good

Random quote from Israel Salanter: Religious-Ethical Thinker

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