Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Frumteens and R. Ovadiah Yosef

The Frumteens moderator quotes an old article in Tehumin by R. Ovadiah Yosef about returning territories in exchange for peace. I have not seen the article and cannot comment on its contents. I will only point out some improper conclusions that should not be deduced from the article.

According to Frumteens:

If you want to see just how absurd the notion is that "only Satmar and Neturei Karta" hold the Oaths are halachicly binding (besides the slew of poskim and Gedolim from all walks of Torah Judaism who quote the Oaths l'halachah), pick up the Zionist journal "techumin" Vol. 10, and you will see the Oaths quoted l'halachah by none other than Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef...

His conclusion l'halachah is that because of the Oaths, even the Ramban agrees that there is no Miztvah at all nowadays to endanger Jewish lives to conquer Eretz Yisroel, and therefore, when you can obtain peace by giving up land, you are obligated to give up land because of Pikuach Nefesh.
Even if this is correct, one should not conclude that R. Ovadiah Yosef has any affinity for the Satmar position. Keep in mind that R. Ovadiah Yosef has also written:
I wish to emphasize first that the state of Israel and independent Jewish reign in our holy land is of the highest historical and religious significance.

(Torah She-be-Al Peh, no. 16, 5734, pp. 19-20)

While despite all this, there are many and great Gedolei Yisrael who see in the establishment of the state the beginning of the Redemption... However, since we still have before us a long path before we reach peace, both in political and military aspects and in ethical and spiritual aspects, we should not obligate the completion of Hallel [on Israel Independence Day]... I will not fear [to state] that despite all of these areas of shade [i.e., the lack of religiosity among many in Israel], there are still great lights from which we should not hide. The state of Israel today is a center of Torah in the world and thousands of wonderful boys from among the best of our delightful children are studying Torah day and night in holy yeshivot. The Torah is returning to its host, for there is no Torah like the Torah of Israel... Thousands of faithful Jews are educating their children according to the holy Torah... However, since now we have only a good beginning, therefore there is no obligation to recite Hallel with a blessing.

(Yabi'a Omer, vol. 6, Orah Hayim 41:5)
It is improper to infer or imply that R. Ovadiah Yosef is anywhere near the Satmar position on the state of Israel.

UPDATE: Frumteens has been updated on this subject:
Mod, are you saying R. Ovadiah holds like Satmar? Thats impossible, you know.
Not at all. My point was just the opposite - I was responding to those Zionists who claim (as have many on this site) that the Oaths are not halachah nad everybody knows that, and only Satmar and Neturei Karta hold theyre halachah.

My response is that not only are the Oaths quoted l'halachah by Rishonim and Achronim, but they are even considered Halachah by Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef! This underscores the absurdity in the claim that "only Satmar and NK" hold the Oaths are Halachah. The further away from Satmar that Khakham Ovadiah is, the more absurd their claim becomes.
However, he has also proven that the Three Oaths is not a valid argument against Zionism because R. Ovadiah Yosef, a proud Zionist and former chief rabbi, can uphold the Three Oaths and Zionism. It is not the only way to believe in Zionism. As great as he is, R. Yosef is not considered by most of the world to be the final arbiter of halakhic matters. However, unless one is willing to charge him with intellectual dishonesty and inconsistency, one must conclude that the Three Oaths is not a barrier to Zionism. In other words, talk of the Three Oaths is not an argument against Zionism. So talk all you want about them.

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