Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Rav Aharon Responds

In response to R. Yitz Greenberg's article in The Commentator, R. Aharon Lichtenstein wrote a strongly-worded (at least for him) letter.

While we're on the subject of The Commentator, Dr. Asa Kasher has an article in the current issue about his famous grandfather, R. Menahem Kasher. For those who knew me years ago and wonder what happened to me, a strong influence who had great impact on my thinking was R. Kasher.

Also, you've got to give it to Chakira in this book review. Who else can come up with gems like "Not to be outdone by R. Schachter and his ilk" and "the dry and angry patter of a [R. Elazar] Schach" and "From the necromancy practiced on the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Igros Kodesh to the less-pernicious tendency to quote Schach's letters". But someone let him know that Kovetz He'aros was written by R. Elhanan Wasserman and not the Hazon Ish (aka R. Karelitz).

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