Monday, February 21, 2005

R. David Feinstein Rescinds

I have received permission to publicize that R. David Feinstein has asked that his name be removed from all letters disapproving the books by R. Nosson Slifkin. While he still does not entirely approve the contents because he thinks it might lead some people to question our tradition, he has disavowed the contents of the letter to which his signature was affixed and "has no problem if people to choose to read the books" (that is the language in the e-mail I received). [UPDATE: Or did he?]

I'll add that the unconfirmed rumor is that R. Matisyahu Solomon has also revoked his approval of the letter condemning R. Slifkin's books. However, R. Moshe Shternbuch has written condemning the ideas in the books. More on that soon.

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