Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Orthodoxy – the Future of Judaism?

There is no greater argument, in my mind, for Haredi army service than the general theme in this article. Be-kitzur, we want a country in which all Jews are Torah observant. When that happens, who will be in the army if not the frum? Are we supposed to hire a mercenary army? Obviously, there are significant challenges to a frum person in the IDF, as discussed in the article from the previous post. But they should not be insurmountable.

As an aside, I found the following from the article amusing: "Agudath, an Orthodox organization with a stated mission to 'mobilize Torah-loyal Jews for the perpetuation of authentic Judaism,' has a membership ranging from clean-shaven men to black-hatted ones (the haredi), from Jews educated in secular universities to full-time, Yiddish-speaking students of the Talmud."

For quite a few years I was clean-shaven, black hatted, educated in a university and a (full-time, when I was in kollel) student of the Talmud all at the same time. My Yiddish is pretty rough, though, and I now have a beard.

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