Tuesday, November 16, 2004

New Editor at Tradition

I congratulate R. Shalom Carmy on his new position of editor of Tradition, as reported in The Commentator.

Some interesting excerpts from the article:

Rabbi Carmy has already agreed to expand the breadth of the journal's reach to tackle "fundamental questions" facing the Orthodox community.

Both men, for example, would like to see the journal produce historical and contemporary models of the Orthodox rabbinate as a leader and authority in the Jewish community.

Rabbi Herring noted that the journal should also monitor the direction of Orthodoxy in America and its ability to confront obstacles like assimilation.

For his part, Rabbi Carmy cited three more areas in which he would like to see the journal grow. First, the journal needs to expand upon the work that Rabbi Shmidman began on incorporating the academic scene in Israel into the pages of TRADITION. Second, the journal's board needs to more efficiently referee Jewish law material submitted to the journal. And third, Rabbi Carmy would like to reach out to younger voices on the editorial committee to allow them more input on the journal's agenda. Already, Rabbi Carmy has appointed a number of younger advisors to the journal's board.

Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine, professor of economics at YC, who worked previously on the journal's board, has been named an associate editor. And as a newcomer, Associate Professor of Jewish Studies Yaakov Elman has joined the journal's editorial committee.

I wish R. Carmy much success in his undertaking.

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