Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Sanhedrin in Tiberias II

"In our time, after the establishment of the State of Israel, the question of renewing the Sanhedrin was raised by R. Yehudah L. Fishman-Maimon and the view of the giants of Torah in Israel and the exile is - for whatever reason - not to reintroduce semikhah [the original ordination required for a Sanhedrin]."
- R. Menahem M. Kasher, Torah Shelemah, vol. 15 p. 200

"It is clear in the Rambam - 'And all the laws return to as they were earlier' [Mishneh Torah, Hilkhos Melakhim 11:1] - that he rescinded his words from his commentary on the Mishnah and is of the view that Mashiah must come before the Sanhedrin [is renewed]."
- R. Menahem M. Kasher, Ha-Tekufah Ha-Gedolah, vol. 1 p. 378

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