Thursday, April 19, 2007

Yashar Chapters 1:1—The Right to Life and the Right to Die

Dear friend,

Welcome to a new newsletter from Yashar Books, in which we send you complete chapters from a recent book of interest. This issue’s book is Rabbi David M. Feldman’s Where There’s Life, There’s Life. The book addresses emotional and ethical issues that arise for friends and relatives in the care of elderly and sick loved ones. With an aging “Boomer” population and the rise of what has become called “The Sandwich Generation”—people who have to care for their children and their parents—this book could not be more timely. Rabbi Feldman, long known for his scholarly writings, decided to write this book in a popular, easily read format rather than a scholarly style. In this book, he wants to address the average person struggling with life-and-death decisions and point out the inspiring attitude that Judaism has to offer. Please read below Rabbi Feldman’s chapter on suicide and the right to die. Given the sensitive yet fundamental nature of this discussion, this should be of great interest to you.

More information about the book can be found at the Yashar website. It can be purchased at your local Judaica store, on Yashar’s website and on

The goal of this newsletter is to spread Torah and to introduce you to books that you might find interesting, without the risk of you having to pay first. In that end, please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone you think might be interested or to quote it entirely or in part in your blog, newspaper or magazine. Just please be sure to note the author’s name and the book’s title: David M. Feldman, Where There’s Life, There’s Life.

Read the chapter here:

Thank you,

Gil Student

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