Question: Should a shul's educational program (e.g. Rabbi's shiur, guest magidei shiur…) be primarily focused on a few areas needing reinforcement or be a smorgasbord so as to attract more people (but perhaps with diluted impact)?
Question:Why did the gemara come up with klalei horaah (rules for psak) rather than deciding each disagreement on its own merits?(e.g. was Rav always right in cases of issurin?)
Defining reasons and type of work women don’t do on Rosh Chodesh. One should have at least extra treat if not a special meal on Rosh Chodesh.
If everything HKB”H does is for the best, why would we pray to change anything? A. Prayer: 1) Reminds us of our own responsibilities in the cosmic order; 2) Works on our relationship with HKB”H which increases our likelihood of a good outcome; 3) Helps us bring HKB”H into our lives. This yields more direct intervention; 4) Improves us (we do a mitzvah), so we get better result; 5) Brings HKB”H’s presence into the world (Kabbalistic).
Rambam’s thought in the Moreh Nevuchim compared to that in Plato’s cave – see here link for cave information) – Rambam expands on Plato - knowledge must impact on our personalities as well. Also discussion of responsibilities of teachers of torah.
Discussion of who has the right to disagree with a psak, difference between psak and pilpul and differing understandings of eilu v’eilu (is it one is right and one is wrong – but understand how got there, or did HKB”H provide a box within which any of the bounded answers are “right”?)
1st case study – insurance where Reuvain borrowed Shimon’s car and it is damaged. My take away – posek really needs an understanding of insurance law and how insurance works in practice. R’Aryeh – how about reimbursement of past premiums (if borrower of car wants to use owners insurance rather than pay for damage themselves?).
2nd case study – If someone called a service man and then fixed the problem themselves, do you owe for a service call? [me – remember halacha is a floor, not a ceiling]
Unusual topic – identifying mitzvah of guarding mikdash and possible purposes (prevent robbery, not allowing a zar in, kavod – being sure someone is always thinking about mikdash)
1) Do you do chazarat hashatz if you just got a minyan after the silent amidah? (yes – interesting historical background). 2) How much do you have to spend for a time bound mitzvah (e.g. etrog). 3) Does the mesader kiddushin have to drink any of the wine (probably not). 4) Educating women (yes). 5) Restart Sanhedrin now (no).
Detailed analysis of the Talmudic sources of pat akum (non bnai brit bread). Interesting Tosfot as defender of current practices (i.e. not sure why everybody does x based on “normal” halachic rules – so need to find explanation (even if strained) rather than say practice is wrong).
R’Aryeh starts down the path of gzeirot rules (e.g. was reason given, was it “accepted” by all). IMVHO – this topic calls out for a more extensive treatment. Problem is IMVEHO the data don’t fully support any particular theoretical constructs.
Note: Rabbi Yisrael Reisman Yirmiyahu shiurim are not online but can be purchased. My thanks to Councilor K for loaning me his copies.
Y-201) Geographical imponderables – where tanach and chazal’s geography seems “challenging” (wrong?).
Y-2022) Grandparent – grandchild – special mesorah relationship teaching avodat hashem (not our job to be cool – (me – just some of us are naturally so?)
Y-203) Do you have to mention specific names/items when praying for health or other requests? Contradictory sources in the Talmud. R’YR differentiates based on a general rule where intent controls (if it’s main element). It may depend on whether your prayer is of the heart or of the lips! [ouch]
Y-204)Can individuals convert from one nation to another (e.g. moavi become an amoni). Differentiate between genetics (yichus) and mahut (characteristics). [I’ve always wondered about Emunah and bitachon begin when there’s no hope in natural order of things (not sure all see it this way)].
Y-205)Why did sfarim start to be named after author’s (direct or just a hint) name? Isn’t it hubris? No – it allows connection to your rebbi (nice mussar – not sure factual). No need for concern on writing words/names which include HKB”H name. Hashkafah of sefer as rebbi (didn’t sound negative!)
Y-206)Shidduchim – be complimentary not similar (modern psychologists just realizing this).
Y-207)Most things (physical and psychological) get better with time. Learn not to pick at a scab and to “let it go” (words of wisdom – let it be?)
Main issue – Is one who violates a rabbinic prohibition on Shabbat considered a shabbat prohibition or a rabbinic prohibition violator? (and the consequences).
Horiyot 2b – continuation of series. R’Sadia – in bavel (9-10 century). They didn’t use ring for kiddushin (hmmm – who started the ring thing – us or them?).
MTA is a great place (it certainly was 40+ years ago). Learn to make the most of every moment. Ask advice from gedolim and feel gratitude.
Gemara discusses importance of verbalization of learning. Was goal to increase retention, increase your effort and/or make it more part of you? Answer may have implications when considering changing technologies.
Reward in world to come – physical or spiritual. Differing opinions reverse engineered to show coherence with the individuals’ opinion on other philosophical points (me – I’ll take whatever it is).