Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Parashah Roundup: Tzav-HaGadol 5770

by Steve Brizel

The Commanded Life

  • R Berel Wein tells us why the first word of this week's Parshah conveys the basic message of Judaism and the traditions of a Torah based life: link

  • R Aharon Lichtenstein, based upon the role of the Kohen in performing Terumas HaDeshen, reminds us that a person who wants to engage in Divine Service cannot put his own personal interests before the requirements of the task: link

  • R Herschel Schachter explains the difference between a Mitzvah and a Horaas Shah and why “Over al divrei navi” as stated in Sanhedrin 89a and Hilcos Yesodei HaTorah 9:2 does not apply to any Biblical law given by Moshe Rabbeinu: link

  • R Yissocher Frand explains why the Korban Olah serves as a model for many Mitzvos that cannot be accomplished without a loss of money ( “Chisaron kis”): link

  • R David Horwitz investigates the philosophical aspects of the Korban Todah: link

  • The Nesivos Shalom as explicated by R Yitzchak Adlerstein, based upon the Shem MiShmuel, explains why the Korban Olah is the exemplar for burning the limbs of a wide variety of Korbanos at night: link

  • Chief Rabbi Sir Lord Jonathan Sacks explains how the act of renunciation of our power, will., autonomy and self-sufficiency, a key aspect to a sincerely brought sacrifice, remains a critical element of Torah life: link

  • R Ephraim Buchwald , based upon the interpretations of Rashi, Ramban, Ibn Ezra and Rambam, analyzes the definition of an Issur Kares ,its intimidating effect and its inverse relationship to Yiras HaShem: link

  • R Baruch Simon discusses the journey from Galus to Geulah and the critical importance of the principal of Asu Siyag LaTorah: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)

  • Shabbos HaGadol
  • R Mayer Twersky reminds us to remember that Shabbos Kodesh is of even a greater Kedusha than the upcoming Chag HaMatzos: link

  • R Shlomoh Riskin explains the central role of Eliyahu HaNavi in Jewish life as exemplified by his role at the Seder and every Bris Milah:

  • Shoalim vDorshim Department
  • Rav Soloveitchik ZL discusses many halachic and hashkafic aspects of Pesach: link (audio)

  • R Herschel Schachter dicusses how to daven on an airplane flight in a manner that will be a Kiddush HaShem and not transgress Lifnei Iver and Inyanei Haggadah: link 1, link 2 (audio)

  • R Joshua Flug and R Daniel Z. Feldman discuss the nature of the obligation of Bedikas Chametz and the Mitzvah of Tashbisu: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)

  • R Aryeh Lebowitz discusses Kitniyos and Quinoa: link (audio)

  • R Ezra Schwartz discusses the halachos of Chametz on Pesach with respect to medicines and cosmetics: link (audio)

  • R Mordechai Willig and R Yaakov Haber discuss the role of and Halochos related to women at the Seder: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)

  • R Daniel Z. Feldman discusses the Daled Kosos: link (audio)

  • R Asher Weiss discusses Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim and Sefiras HaOmer: link (audio)

  • R Mayer Twersky investigates the theme of Zecer Lmikdash: link (audio)

  • R Michael Rosensweig explains why Korban Pesach is a symbol of faith and commitment and why the challenge of Yetzias Mitzrayim endures throughout Jewish history as each generation confronts its own crisis, because true liberty consists of internalizing Torah values and embracing belief and faith in HaShem, even in trying times and circumstances, even rejecting cultural norms and why Shvii Shel Pesach is the Yom Tov of Shirah: link 1, link 2

  • Rebbitzen Smadar Rosensweig discusses the unique oblgations of women in the Seder and various aspects of the Haggadah: link (audio)

  • Chief Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks discusses a Seder night that changed history: link (audio)

  • R Aharon Kahn explores the perpetual nature of the obligation in Bchol Dor VaDor to see oneself as a Yotzei Mitzrayim: link (audio)

  • R Chaim Ilson discusses Sipur Yetzias Mizrayim: link (audio)

  • R Zvi Sobolofsky discusses leaning at the Seder Meal, customs of the Seder Meal and Halachos and Minhagim related to the Afikoman and finishing Afikoman and Hallel before Chatzos: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio), link 3 (audio), link 4 (audio), link 5 (audio)

  • R Avraham Gordimer discusses three unique aspects of the Seder: link

  • R Chaim Eisenstein discusses Zecirah, Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim and the view of the Rambam: link (audio)

  • R Shalom Rosner discusses insights into the Haggadah: link (audio)

  • R Shmuel Maybruch discusses lesser known Halachos of the Seder: link (audio)

  • R Avishai David discusses insights into the Haggadah, the preparation of the Matzah and the Mitzvah of eating Matzah throughout Pesach: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio), link 3 (audio), link 4 (audio)

  • R Dovid Gottlieb discusses educating and inspiring our children and highlights of the Mitzvas Matzah in the Minchas Chinuch: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)

  • R Hershel Schachter and R Mordechai Willig discuss the Halachos of Sefiras HaOmer: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)

  • R Daniel Z. Feldman analyzes the approach of R Soloveitchik ZL with respect of a continuous count: link (audio)

  • R Zvi Sobolofsky examines how to properly approach Shavuos and Kabalas HaTorah: link (audio)

  • R Yonasan Sacks, and R Michael Rosensweig explain why Sefiras HaOmer is the link between Yetzias Mitzrayim and Kabbalas HaTorah: link 1, link 2, link 3

  • Rebbitzen Smadar Rosensweig discusses the relationship between Sefiras HaOmer. Torah and personal growth: link (audio)

  • R Baruch Simon discusses various aspects of Sefiras HaOmer: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)

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