R Ezra Bick discusses why this week's Parsha includes the Karban Tamid and the ceremonies related to the eighth day: link
The Clothes of the Kohanim
R Berel Wein explains the significance of the Bigdei Kohanim: link
R Yissocher Frand and R Ephraim Buchwald discuss why both the Urim and Tumim were necessary, and the configuration of the Urim and Tumim: link 1, link 2
R Asher Brander discusses the unique elements of the Choshen (breastplate) and the Ephod (apron): link
R Shlomoh Riskin explains how many Halachos and Minhagim express the fact that every Jew belongs to a Mamleches Kohanim: link
The Menorah
The Nesivos Shalom, as explicated by R Yitzchak Adlerstein, explains the the hidden light in the olive tree: link
The Tzitz
R Mosheh Lichtenstein suggests why the Torah seemingly omits the Tzitz from the Bigdei Kehunah: link
Karbanos, Avos, the Kohen Gadol, the Navi and Tefilah
R Sir Lord Jonathan Sacks reminds us that Tefilah is rooted both in the spontaneous actions of a Navi and the fixed actions of the Kohen Gadol: link
R Avigdor Nevenzal explains the unique function of the Ketores: link
The Midos of Aharon HaKohen
R Mordechai Willig urges us to emulate Aharon HaKohen and the Gdolei Yisrael who brought Torah to America , who taught and exemplified honesty and love of all people: link
Taanis Esther
R Yonassan Sacks discusses the unique nature of Taanis Esther: link
R Mordechai Willig discusses Hilcos Taanis Esther: link (audio)
Parshas Zachor
R Aaron Soloveitchik ZL discusses the connection between Parshas Zacor and Purim: link (audio)
R Herschel Shachter explores the ongoing nature of the war against Amalek: link
R Asher Weiss discusses the halachic requirement of Parshas Zachor: link (audio)
R Baruch Simon explains how we can defeat Amalek with dignity and discusses the Halachos of Parshas Zachor: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)
R Aryeh Lebowitz discusses a contemporary application of the issue of whether we can accept Gerim from Amalek: link (audio)
R Avraham Gordimer, based on Rashi's comment to Devarim 25:17, explains why Purim serves to deny the philosophical view of “Mikreh” advanced by Amalek: link
Hester Panim
R David Horwitz discusses the impact of Hester Panim on Jewish history: link
R Eli Baruch Shulman explores the relationship between Hester Panim, Purim and Kabalas HaTorah: link
Rav Soloveitchik ZL discusses many of the halachic and hashkafic themes of Purim: link (audio)
R Hershel Schachter discusses the obligation to read Megilas Esther with a minyan: link (audio)
R Mordechai Willig suggests that by elevating the physical , acts of Tzedaka and a meal that is marked by Divrei Torah and self-restraint, Purim atones for the weakening of our hands in Refidim: link
R Michael Rosensweig discusses the Kedushas HaYom of Purim: link (audio)
Rebbitzen Smadar Rosensweig explains why Esther HaMalkah was a model of initiative, continuity and Tikun: link (audio)
R Yonassan Sacks, based on the well known comment of Ramban to Shemos 13:16, reminds us that we must recognize HaShem for both His indescribable wonders and the constant miracles with which He blesses us during every day of our lives: link
R Avishai David discusses miracles and the “way of nature” , based on a series of comments of Ramban's commentary: link
R Assaf Bednarsh explores a well known Machlokes between Rav Soloveitchik ZL and the Brisker Rav ZL with respect to Mikrah Megillah: link (audio)
R Baruch Simon explores a statement in the Talmud that reading the Megilah is analogous to reciting Hallel: link (audio)
R Aryeh Leibowitz discusses reading the names of Haman's ten sons in one breadth: link (audio)
R Shalom Rosner discusses the Halacha of drinking on Purim: link (audio)
R Josh Flug discusses the Mitzvah of Matanos LeEvyonim and the Purim Seudah: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)
R Daniel Z Feldman and R Shalom Rosner discuss the halachic issues with respect to Mishloach Manos: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)
R Chaim Eisenstein explains how we elevate the physical into the spiritual domain on Purim: link (audio)
Shoalim Vdorshim Department
Rav Soloveitchik ZL discusses Avdus and Sipur Yetzias Mitzrayim: link (audio)