Presidents' Day in Queens
The Vaad L'Chizuk HaTorah is proud to present a shiur on the topic of: Bikur Cholim by Rabbi Daniel Feldman שליט”א
Monday February 15, 2010 (Presidents' Day) 9:45 A.M.
Congregation Ahavas Yisroel, 147-03 73rd AvenueRabbi Natan Slifkin in Brooklyn
Saturday February 13th, 8.30 pm
Sephardic Institute, 511 Avenue R, Brooklyn
Sacred Monsters: Mysterious & Mythical Creatures of Torah, Midrash and Talmud
Entrance Donation: $10
Sunday February 14th
Congregation Bnei Israel, 3190 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn
10am - SHAKING THE HEAVENS: Rabbinic Responses to Astronomical Revolutions
11.30am - WORLDS IN COLLISION: Of Bans and Controversies
Entrance Donation: $10 for one lecture, $15 for both
Signed copies of Rabbi Slifkin’s books will be available for purchase
(Announce your simchah or Torah lectures by clicking on the button in the top right corner of Hirhurim. See here for readership statistics and here for instructions on buying an announcement. Please note that announcements now cost $36 each.)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Announcements #140: Lectures Over the Weekend