Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Parashah Roundup: Shemos 5770

by Steve Brizel (A rerun from two years ago since Steve is on a much-deserved vacation)

The Enslavement of the Jewish People in Egypt

  • R. Shlomo Wolbe zt"l shows us how Yosef's life was marked by a sense of “seder” or maintining one's bearings despite being presented with numerous problems in his life: link (DOC)
  • R. Yaakov Medan explores how the Jewish People reacted to the servitude: link
  • R. Zev Leff distingushed between purposeless work and work with an ultimate purpose-Avodas HaShem: link
  • R. Efraim Buchwald demonstrates how the enslavement of Egypt was marked by the banality of evil: link
  • R. Asher Brander underscores the difference between an animal and a free person in stressing Moshe's responsibilities in defending the Jewish People in Egypt: link
  • R. Yissachar Frand explains that one of the causes of the enslavement of the Jewish People was their feeling too comfortable in their exile: link

  • Click here to read moreThe Beginnings of the Process of Redeeming the Jewish People

  • R. Herschel Schachter discusses the critical importance of prayer , even under the worst of circumstances, that was taught by the example of the Jewish People in Egypt: link

  • The Personality of Moshe Rabbeinu

  • Dr. David Elgavish explores how Moshe Rabbbeinu embarked on his mission:
  • R. Gedalyah Schorr (as prepared by R. Eliezer Kwass) examines why Moshe Rabbeinu was uniquely prepared for his role: link
  • R. Jonathan Sacks posits the behavior of the daughter of Pharoah as one of Chasidi Umosh HaOlam and her encounter with Miriam on the banks of the Nile: link
  • R. Shlomo Riskin suggests that the actions of the daughter of Pharoah serve as a model for civil disobedience against oppression, especially in the light of the expulsion from Gush Katif: link
  • R. Moshe Lichtenstein discusses the spiritual growth of Moshe Rabbeinu: link
  • R. Ezra Bick shows how Moshe had to go through an initial period of rejection by his Egyptian native society and the Jewish People and to learn how to rescue the helpless before he can return to Egypt as the messenger of God: link
  • R. Yaakov Horowitz explains how God explained to Moshe Rabbeinu that he was suited for his role and the eternal , although endangered nature, of the Jewish People in the episode of the bush: link
  • R. Avigdor Nevenzal discususses the midos that Moshe exemplified and how they are a model for any would be leaders leadership abilities, a superior intellect and a kind heart: link
  • R. Michael Rosenweig discusses how the concept of “Ivri” played a critical role in the development of Moshe as a leader who could empathize for the Jewish People and their plight: link
  • R. Mordehai Willig suggests that Moshe and Aharon's roles are symbolic of those who learn Torah and those who support the learning of Torah: link
  • R. Gedalyah Hochberg examines the halachic ramifications of what we learn from Moshe's delay in performing Bris Milah in a timely manner: link
  • R. Binyamin Tabory sugggests a combination of Intellectual and Philosophical based Faith as well as Emunah Pshutah based on being aware of God's presence: link

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