Just a reminder that my e-shiur through Torah in Motion begins tomorrow night at 9pm EST. The series is called "Recent Books You Should Care About".
Tomorrow I will be proposing my "Grand Theory for Reconciling Torah and Science." We will be discussing the following books: The Religion and Science Debate: Why Does It Continue? by Harold Attridge ed., The Challenge of Creation by R. Natan Slifkin and Genesis and Jewish Thought by R. Chaim Navon. We will also be discussing Dr. David Shatz's article "Is there Science in the Bible? An Assessment of Biblical Concordism" in Tradition 41:2 (Summer 2008).
Registration is free but required: link
Last week's class about new approaches to studying Tanakh is available for download (for 99 cents) here: link
Monday, December 07, 2009
E-Shiur Reminder
12:07 PM
Gil Student