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12:58 PM

Gil Student
by Steve Brizel
Avraham's Three Visitors
R. Ezra Bick explores the depth of a dispute between Rambam in the Moreh Nevuchim and Ramban as to whether Avraham Avinu met with angels: link 1, link 2R. Zev Leff suggests that Mamre deserves special mention because he projected himself into Avraham Avinu's position in a completely objective manner: linkR. Baruch Simon proposes a solution and hashkafic insights into why Avraham needed the advice of Mamre: link (audio)Bikur CholimR. Dovid Gottlieb discusses the halachic and hashkafic aspects of Bikur Cholim: linkClick here to read moreAvraham Avinu and Chesed
R. Shlomo Wolbe zt"l emphasizes that the non-halachic sections of the Torah are a guide for for us to glean the proper way for observing the mitzvos: linkR. Yissocher Frand explains why true chesed requires an ability to perceive and fulfill the need of the other: linkThe Nesivos Shalom, as prepared by R. Yitzchak Adlerstein, shows how the chesed of Avraham, especially after the mitzvah of Bris Milah, was a form of Tikun Olam: linkR. Asher Brander underscores the comment of Chazal in the Midrash that more than the giver does for the poor, the poor does for the giver: linkR. Daniel Z. Feldman discusses different aspects of chesed: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)
Avraham, Lot, and Sdom
R. Yitzchak Etshalom discusses the negotiations between Avraham Avinu and HaShem and surveys the journeys of Avraham: link 1, link 2, link 3 (PDF)R. Berel Wein suggests that by being unable to save Sdom, Avraham Avinu appreciated the uniqueness of his mission and that this mission would be perpetuated via the descendants of Yitzchak: linkR. Jonathan Sacks contrasts the personalities of Avraham and Lot and illustrates why Lot represents what psychologists call cognitive dissonance or in R. Shlomo Riskin's words, Lot represents the first inverted Marrano: link 1, link 2R. Herschel Schachter, based upon the teachings of R. Chaim Volozhiner, R. Osher Tiktiner and R. Soloveitchik Zecher Tzadikim Livracha, urges us to learn from the episode of Lot's daughters after the destruction of Sdom, that while Kiruv Rchokim is important, it cannot be the basis for mistakenly and inappropriately assuming halachic leniencies: linkR. Ephraim Buchwald reminds us that Avraham Avinu moved to the Negev in the aftermath of the destruction of Sdom so that he could proactively teach the local inhabitants the virtues of chesed: link
Avraham and Avimelech
R. Zvi Sobolofsky explains interpersonal ethics and a commitment to kindness and justice can only function when governed by Yiras HaShem: link
Justice, Righteousness and Religious Fervor
R. Aharon Lichtenstein, based upon Breishis 18:19 and a reading of Rambam in Hilchos Deos:1-7 and Hilcos Teshuvah 10:3, reminds us that righteousness and justice are the foundations for religious fervor: link
The Overall Role of the Avos and Imahos
Rebbitzen Smadar Rosensweig discusses the interrelationship of the Avos and Imahos in the family context, the relationship between the Avos and Imahos, Tefilah and Childlessness as well as Tefilah, Bitachon and Hishtadlus: link 1 (audio), link 2 (audio)
The Akedah
R. Dovid Horwitz, based upon the commentary of Ibn Caspi, urges us to remember that HaShem wants man to serve Him in life, but not by sacrificing human beings: linkR. Avigdor Nevenzal and R Shalom Rosner explains why the Akedah is a defining moment in Jewish history: link 1, link 2 (audio)
Zerizin Makdimin LMitzvos
R. Asher Weiss explores the dimensions of this halacha: linkR. Yehuda Amital, based upon R Kook ZTL's understanding of the Rambam, reminds us that there are no gimmicks or shortcuts to reaching HaKadosh Baruch Hu other than faith, knowledge of God and His Torah: link