Exploring the Halakahic, Historical and Spritual Connections Between Hanukkah and Sukkot
given by Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rebbi, YCT Rabbinical School. For more information, please go to www.yctorah.org
Prizes! $50 gift certificates to Eichlers.com.
Winners will get their essays published online at www.oukosher.org.
Grand prize winners will be invited to record their essays on OUKosher Radio.
Deadline for entries: March 7, 2008.
More information here.

- Leaking Ship: Young Israel On The Rocks - MUST READ
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- Remembering a Friend: Mr. Joseph Ellenberg A"H
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- Opinion: Combining YU and Stern, Dr. Berger, and Torah u-Madda - Advocating listening to your opponents, an important life skill to learn.
- Opinion: A Real Yeshiva - Free speech vs. showing respect. My view: if the two are in conflict then you aren't writing with sufficient sensitivity.
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