Sunday, June 18, 2006

Truth and Torah

A commenter recently suggested that posing a question to the Torah based on science is insulting to the Torah (a bizyon ha-Torah). That is a legitimate view, but one that I find hard to accept. Consider the following story about R. Ya'akov Kamenetsky, told by his son-in-law R. Yisrael Shurin (Emes Le-Ya'akov al Ha-Torah, introduction):

One of the top students in the Slabodka Yeshiva (who later became a famous rosh yeshiva in America) had a student who was very knowledgeable in general studies. This student once asked a question on a Tosafos from the map. This was on the topic (sugya) in Gittin about a narrow strip that protrudes from Akko. The learned student, whose ear was pained by this question, immediately stopped teaching this student. He complained to R. Ya'akov: "How can one learn with someone who asks questions from the map?" R. Ya'akov answered him: "The map must be consistent with the topic. If the topic does not correlate with the map then this a serious question and we must answer it." R. Ya'akov sat and toiled until he answered all of the questions. This is the power of the truth.
If, and this is a big if, the science in question is true, then of course Torah must correspond to it. Truth is truth, regardless of whether it comes from scientists or sages.

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