Thursday, April 07, 2005

Metzitzah V

On various e-mail lists and in private correspondence, I have clashed with R. Dr. Meir Shinnar on many occasions. His latest is, well, over the top. Here is an excerpt from a letter he wrote to The Jewish Week:

We cannot understand how the RCA can say that it recognizes the legitimacy of those who would continue to mandate using direct oral contact during circumcision (metziza b'peh). This practice poses real health dangers to the infant. Therefore, a mohel who is going to use direct oral suction has the halachic status of a rodef, a pursuer who intends to murder. It is the duty of the community to stop this rodef by all means possible. We have an obligation to all Jewish babies.
Such careless use of the term "rodef," pursuer -- someone whom we must stop at all costs, including using lethal force -- is irresponsible and overly sensational. I also question that halakhic rationale behind calling a mohel who performs metzitzah be-feh a rodef.

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