Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Kiddush Clubs and Zionism

A particular website has found the source of the practice called "Kiddush Clubs" -- Zionism. This is what follows in a discussion titled "Zionist Crazy Hatred":

To the Zionists, if youre against Zionism, nothing you do matters; youre no good. The latest issue of Jewish Action, a Modern Orthodox magazine of the OU... In that same issue, there was an article decrying the disgusting practice of "kiddush clubs" that many Shuls have in their community. A Kiddush club is - I promise I am not making this up - where in the middle of davening, ususally during the haftorah or leining, a bunch of peopel go out and make kiddush, while the shul is stil ldavening, and often come back drunk, or close to drink. It's sick, I know, but thats what they do.

I was talking to one of those people who doesnt see the disgustingness of these kiddush clubs... So I asked him, "What wouls you think if they walked out in the middle of the Tefilah L'shlom Hamedinah (the prayer for the State of Israel, that Zionists say in Shul on Shabbos), to make kiddush and get drunk?"

The guy freaked... So I asked him why is the Haftorah less deserving of respect than the Tefilah Lsholom Hamedinah?
I'm not quite sure if he pointed out that the leaders of the campaign against Kiddush Clubs, including R. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, are staunch Zionists.

I'm pretty sure that he did not point out the common practice in shtiebels and small yeshivish shuls to start setting up for a kiddush during davening. In one very yeshivish shul in which I sometimes used to daven, it was done during the mussaf hazaras ha-shatz. No, I'm not kidding. The rav is a huge talmid hakham for whom I have tremendous respect. But he's not a fighter. And the guys setting up go to the best yeshivos in Brooklyn. I have yet to hear non- or anti-Zionists make a peep about that practice.

Is this post a cheap shot? Without a doubt. But that guy deserves it without a doubt.

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