Sunday, March 13, 2005

Purim Shtik II

Someone in the comments asked if I ever smile, implying that I lack a sense of humor. Someone else asked if I ever wrote Purim shtik. I'll relate the following story, which will probably indicate different things to different people.

In R. Nosson Kamenetsky's recent speech in YU, he mentioned that his father-in-law, R. David Lifschitz, used to make sure that a sign was hung in the YU beis midrash every year during Adar that said something like: "When Adar enters we increase our happiness" "There is no happiness like Torah" Therefore, one should strengthen and increase one's learning during Adar.

It's been a few years and I don't remember the exact language, but it was something like that. One year, I copied the very distinct writing in those signs and wrote different signs about how a man is like a tree and the first three years of a tree's life its fruits are forbidden orlah. Therefore, you should make sure not to learn during Torah your first three years in yeshiva. I hung copies all over the beis midrash for Purim. The forgery was good enough that most people did not look twice at the signs and assumed they were the standard ones. But I saw R. Hershel Schachter and R. Meir Goldvicht reading them before Ma'ariv on Purim night and laughing. I don't think R. David was amused.

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