Thursday, March 24, 2005

Face Watching

Some of the looks on people's faces that I have been privileged to witness:

1. The impressed look on my (then) eight year old daughter's face when I showed her a verse that explicitly states that Mordechai was Esther's cousin (uncle's daughter), not uncle.

2. The look of surprised disgust on my wife's face when she tasted Lime Coke, or as we call it, Windex Coke.

3. The look of colliding worlds on my Israel-born-and-raised mother when my older son, intent on showing off his newly acquired skill of reading Hebrew, started reading to his unsuspecting grandmother in yeshivish Hebrew with the "oy"s and the "ess"es.

4. The look of unrestrained horror on Dr. Haym Soloveitchik's face when, in response to a query as to whether I had read a particular essay written by CS Lewis, I said "I don't read his stuff because it is all just about Christianity anyway."

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