Monday, July 19, 2004


Until I saw this passage, it had never occured to me that the Shabbos of Creation was not only the day on which God rested. It was the day on which nature started to take its course.
From R. Walter Wurzburger, God is Proof Enough, p. 113:

The regularity and order governing the realm of nature tend to obscure the Divine source of all existence. It is for this reason that precisely on the Sabbath, the day when, according to the Biblical account, the universe began to function in accordance with the laws of nature, it is incumbent upon us to acknowledge God as the Owner and Master of the universe.
By abstaining from productive activities on the day on which the Creator "stopped" His work of creation, we affirm that what appears to the secular mind as purely natural processes are in actuality manifestations of the Divine. Thus, the Sabbath reveals what nature conceals.

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